Sesotho word (South African orthography): ka
Sesotho word (Lesotho orthography): ka
English translation: in
Example of usage:ka hare (in the middle)
Sesotho word (South African orthography): ka
Sesotho word (Lesotho orthography): ka
English translation: with
Example of usage:ke seha ka thipa (I cut with a knife)
Also see:le (and; with);mme (and)
Sesotho word (South African orthography): ka
Sesotho word (Lesotho orthography): ka
English translation: can
Example of usage:o ka tsamaya (you can walk)
Sesotho word (South African orthography): ka
Sesotho word (Lesotho orthography): ka
English translation: my/mine (possessive pronoun)
Example of usage:banna ba ka (my children);