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Етимологија 1


ОдСредњи Енглескиweven(to weave), одСтари Енглескиwefan(to weave), одПра-Германски*webaną, одProto-Indo-European*webʰ-(to weave, braid). Cognate withSaterland Frisianweeuwe,West Frisianweve,Холандскиweven,Немачкиweben,Данскиvæve,Шведскиväva,Norwegian Nynorskveva,Icelandicvefa.



weave (third-person singular simple presentweaves,present participleweaving,simple pastwoveorweaved,past participlewovenorweaved)

  1. To form something by passing lengths orstrands ofmaterial over and under one another.
    This loomweaves yarn into sweaters.
  2. Tospin acocoon or aweb.
    Spidersweave beautiful but deadly webs.
  3. Tounite by closeconnection orintermixture.
    • Shakespeare
      Thisweaves itself, perforce, into my business.
    • Byron
      these words, thuswoven into song
  4. To compose creatively and intricately; to fabricate.
    toweave the plot of a story
Повезани термини
to form something by passing strands of material over and under one another
to spin a cocoon or a web
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weave (pluralweaves)

  1. A type or way ofweaving.
    That rug has a very tightweave.
  2. Human or artificialhair worn to alter one's appearance, either to supplement or to cover the natural hair.
a type or way of weaving
human or artificial hair worn

Етимологија 2


ОдСредњи Енглескиweven(to wander); probably fromOld Norseveifa(move around, wave), related to Latinvibrare.



Lua грешка in Модул:en-headword at line 1145: Legacy parameter 1=STEM no longer supported, just use 'en-verb' without params.

  1. (intransitive) To move byturning andtwisting.
    The drunkweaved into another bar.
    • 2017 август 20, “The Observer view on the attacks in Spain”, inThe Observer[1]:
      The victims’ feeling of incredulity at what they were seeing, swiftly turning to paralysing fear as the van bore down on them, swerving andweaving to hit as many people as possible, can barely be imagined.
    • 2011 јануар 15, Saj Chowdhury, “Man City 4 - 3 Wolves”, inBBC[2]:
      Tevez picked up a throw-in from the right, tip-toed his way into the area andweaved past three Wolves challenges before slotting in to display why, of all City's multi-million pound buys, he remains their most important player.
  2. (transitive) To make (a path or way) bywinding in and out or from side to side.
    The ambulanceweaved its way through the heavy traffic.
    • Samuel Taylor Coleridge
      Weave a circle round him thrice.
to weave
to make (a path or way) by winding in and out or from side to side


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