Lower case form of upper case roman numeralV, from abbreviation of IIIIΛ or IIIIV (representing 5), from tally stick markings resembling \\\\⋁ or ////⋌, from the practice of designating each fifth notch with a double cut, like the corresponding Western tally mark,.
Стари Енглески lower casef from 7th century replacement by Latin lower casef of the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc letterᚠ(f,“feoh”), derived from Etruscan letter𐌅(v).
Стари Енглески lower caseu from 7th century replacement by Latin lower casev of the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc letterᚢ(u,“ur”), derived from Raetic letteru.
Before the 1700s, the pointed formv was written at the beginning of a word, while a rounded formu was used elsewhere, regardless of sound. So whereasvalor andexcuse appeared as in modern printing,have andupon were printedhaue andvpon. Eventually, in the 1700s, to differentiate between the consonant and vowel sounds, thev form was used to represent the consonant, andu the vowel sound.v then precededu in the alphabet, but the order has since reversed.
Lua грешка in Модул:quote at line 2964: Parameter 1 is required..
Through searching himself thus for a name that did not diverge too much from his own, that would suit and represent the great lady and princess, he came to call herDulcinea del Toboso, because she was a native of this village [Toboso]: a name in his opinion harmonious, rare and distinguished, and no less expressive than all the ones that he had given to his team and to himself.
Proposed in 1908 as part of the new Latvian spelling by the scientific commission headed byK. Mīlenbahs, which was accepted and began to be taught in schools in 1909. Prior to that, Latvian had been written in GermanFraktur, and sporadically inCyrillic.
There are multiple alphabets for writing Mapudungun. The letters that are not in brackets are from the unified alphabet, while the ones in brackets are from the four other alphabets.
u andv were represented by a single character in Middle French, although scholars consider them to be separate letters both in terms of usage and in terms of pronunciation.
(deprecated use of|lang= parameter)Lua грешка in Модул:languages/doSubstitutions at line 80: Substitution data 'sms-sortkey' does not match an existing module..
Lua грешка in Модул:languages/doSubstitutions at line 80: Substitution data 'sms-sortkey' does not match an existing module..
The twenty-third (23rd) letter of the Spanish alphabet.
Usage notes
The common letter names, as well as phrases likeve de vaca are used to distinguish the letterv from the letterb. This is done because the two letters represent a single phoneme in modern Spanish, causing their traditional namesbe andve both to be pronounced as/ˈbe/.