ОдСредњи Енглескиspace, одAnglo-Normanspace, variant ofespace,espas et al., иspaze, variant ofespace, одЛатинскиspatium, одProto-Indo-European*(s)peh₂-(“to stretch, to pull”).
space (countable anduncountable,pluralspaces)
- (heading)Of time.
- (now rare, archaic)Free time;leisure,opportunity.[from 14thc.]
- A specific (specified) period oftime.[from 14thc.]
- 1893,Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman,Giles Corey
- I pray you, sirs, to take some cheers the while I go for a moment'sspace to my poor afflicted child.
- 2007, Andy Bull,The Guardian, 20 October:
- The match was lost, though, in thespace of just twenty minutes or so.
- Lua грешка in Модул:quote at line 2964: Parameter 1 is required..
- An undefined period of time (without qualifier, especially a short period); awhile.[from 15thc.]
- (heading)Unlimited or generalized physical extent.
- Distance between things.[from 14thc.]
- c.1607,William Shakespeare,Antony and Cleopatra:
- But neere him, thy Angell / Becomes a feare: as being o're-powr'd, therefore / Makespace enough betweene you.
- 2001, Sam Wollaston,The Guardian, 3 November:
- Which means that for every car there was 10 years ago, there are now 40. Which means - and this is my own, not totally scientific, calculation - that thespace between cars on the roads in 1991 was roughly 39 car lengths, because today there is nospace at all.
- Physicalextent across two or three dimensions; area, volume (sometimesfor orto do something).[from 14thc.]
- 1601,William Shakespeare,Hamlet, First Folio 1623
- O God, I could be bounded in a nutshell, and / count my selfe a King of infinitespace; were it not that / I haue bad dreames.
- 2007, Dominic Bradbury,The Guardian, 12 May:
- They also wanted a larger garden and morespace for home working.
- Physicalextent in all directions, seen as an attribute of theuniverse (now usually considered as a part ofspace-time), or a mathematical model of this.[from 17thc.]
- 1656,Thomas Hobbes,Elements of Philosophy, II
- Space is the Phantasme of a Thing existing without the Mind simply.
- 1880,Popular Science, August:
- These are not questions which can be decided by reference to ourspace intuitions, for our intuitions are confined to Euclideanspace, and even there are insufficient, approximative.
- 2007, Anushka Asthana & David Smith,The Observer, 15 April:
- The early results from Gravity Probe B, one of Nasa's most complicated satellites, confirmed yesterday 'to a precision of better than 1 per cent' the assertion Einstein made 90 years ago - that an object such as the Earth does indeed distort the fabric ofspace and time.
- The near-vacuum in whichplanets,stars and other celestial objects are situated; theuniverse beyond the earth's atmosphere.[from 17thc.]
- 1901,HG Wells,The First Men in the Moon:
- After all, to go into outerspace is not so much worse, if at all, than a polar expedition.
- 2010,The Guardian, 9 August:
- The human race must colonisespace within the next two centuries or it will become extinct, Stephen Hawking warned today.
- The physical and psychological area one needs within which to live or operate;personalfreedom.[from 20thc.]
- 1996, Linda Brodkey,Writing Permitted in Designated Areas Only:
- Around the time of my parents' divorce, I learned that reading could also give mespace.
- 2008, Jimmy Treigle,Walking on Water
- "I care about you Billy, whether you believe it or not; but right now I need myspace."
- (heading)A bounded or specific physical extent.
- A (chiefly empty) area or volume with setlimits orboundaries.[from 14thc.]
- 1915,Emerson Hough,The Purchase Price,chapterII:
- Carried somehow, somewhither, for some reason, on these surging floods, were these travelers, […]. Even such a boat as theMount Vernon offered a total deckspace so cramped as to leave secrecy or privacy well out of the question, even had the motley and democratic assemblage of passengers been disposed to accord either.
- 2000, Ziba Mir-Hosseini,Islam and Gender
- The street door was open, and we entered a narrowspace with washing facilities, curtained off from the courtyard.
- 2012, Charlotte Higgins,The Guardian, 16 July:
- Converted from vast chambers beneath the old Bankside Power Station which once held a million gallons of oil, the new public areas consist of two large circularspaces for performances and film installations, plus a warren of smaller rooms.
- (music) A position on thestaff orstave bounded by lines.[from 15thc.]
- 1849,John Pyke Hullah, translating Guillaume Louis Bocquillon-Wilhem,Wilhelm's Method of Teaching Singing
- The note next above Sol is La; La, therefore, stands in the 2ndspace; Si, on the 3rd line, &c.
- 1990, Sammy Nzioki,Music Time
- The lines andspaces of the staff are named according to the first seven letters of the alphabet, that is, A B C D E F G.
- Agap intext betweenwords,lines etc., or a digital character used to create such a gap.[from 16thc.]
- 1992, Sam H Ham,Environmental Interpretation
- According to experts, a single line of text should rarely exceed about 50 characters (including letters and all thespaces between words).
- 2005, Dr BR Kishore,Dynamic Business Letter Writing:
- It should be typed aspace below the salutation : Dear Sir, Subject : Replacement of defective items.
- (letterpresstypography) A piece of metaltype used to separatewords,cast lower than other type so as not to take ink, especially one that is narrower than oneen (comparequad).[from 17thc.]
- 1683,Joseph Moxon,Mechanick Exercises: Or, the Doctrine of Handy-Works. Applied to the art of Printing., v.2,pp.240–1:
- If it be only aSingle Letter or two that drops, he thruſts the end of hisBodkin between everyLetter of that Word, till he comes to aSpace: and then perhaps by forcing thoſeLetters closer, he may have room to put in anotherSpace or aThinSpace; which if he cannot do, and he finds theSpace ſtandLooſe in theForm; he with thePoint of hisBodkin picks theSpace up and bows it a little; which bowing makes theLetters on each ſide of theSpace keep their parallel diſtance; for by its Spring it thruſts theLetters that were cloſed with the end of theBodkin to their adjunctLetters, that needed no cloſing.
- 1979, Marshall Lee,Bookmaking,p.110:
- Horizontal spacing is further divided into multiples and fractions of the em. The multiples are calledquads. The fractions are calledspaces.
- 2005, Phil Baines and Andrew Haslam,Type & Typography, 2nd ed.,p.91:
- Other largerspaces – known as quads – were used to space out lines.
- Agap; an empty place.[from 17thc.]
- 2004, Harry M Benshoff (ed.),Queer Cinéma
- Mainstream Hollywood would not cater to the taste for sexual sensation, which left aspace for B-movies, including noir.
- 2009, Barbara L. Lev,From Pink to Green
- A horizontal scar filled thespace on her chest where her right breast used to be.
- (geometry) Aset ofpoints, each of which isuniquely specified by a number (thedimensionality) ofcoordinates.
- (countable, mathematics) Ageneralizedconstruct orset whose members have some property in common; typically there will be a geometric metaphor allowing these members to be viewed as "points". Often used with a restricting modifier describing the members (e.g.vector space), or indicating the inventor of the construct (e.g.Hilbert space).[from 20thc.]
Functional analysis is best approached through a sound knowledge of Hilbertspace theory.
- (countable, figurative) Amarketplace for goods or services.
innovation in the browserspace
- (intervening contents of a volume):volume
- (space occupied by or intended for a person or thing):room,volume
- (area or volume of sufficient size to accommodate a person or thing):place,spot,volume
- (area beyond the atmosphere of planets that consists of a vacuum):outer space
- (gap between written characters):blank,gap,whitespace(graphic design)
- (metal type):quad,quadrat
- (set of points each uniquely specified by a set of coordinates):
- (personal freedom to think or be oneself):
- (state of mind one is in when daydreaming):
- (generalized construct or set in mathematics):
- (one of the five basic elements in Indian philosophy):ether
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Derived terms
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Related terms
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physical extent in two or three dimensions
- Arabic:فَرَاغ(farāḡ),مَكَان (ar) m(makān)
- Bashkir:арауыҡ(arawïq)
- Belarusian:прасто́ра f(prastóra)
- Breton:egor (br) m
- Bulgarian:простра́нство (bg) n(prostránstvo)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin:空間/空间 (zh),空间 (zh)(kōngjiān)
- Czech:prostor (cs) m
- Danish:rum (da)
- Dutch:ruimte (nl) f
- Finnish:tila (fi)
- French:espace (fr) m
- Georgian:სივრცე(sivrce)
- German:Raum (de) m,Platz (de) m
- Greek:χώρος (el) m(chóros),διάστημα (el) n(diástima)
- Hebrew:נפח (he) m(néfakh),חָלָל (he) m(ḥalál),מֶרְחָב (he) m(merḥáv)
- Hindi:जगह (hi) f(jagah)
- Hungarian:tér (hu),hely (hu)
- Ido:spaco (io)
- Irish:spás m,slí f
- Italian:spazio (it) m
- Japanese:空間 (ja)(くうかん, kūkan)
- Kazakh:кеңістік(keñıstık)
- Korean:공간 (ko)(gonggan)
- Ladin:lerch f
- Latin:spatium (la)
- Lithuanian:erdvė f
- Macedonian:простор m(prostor)
- Maltese:spazju m
- Maori:mokowā
- Mongolian:огторгуй (mn)(ogtorguj)
- Persian:فضا (fa)(fazâ),مکان (fa)(makân)
- Polish:przestrzeń (pl) f
- Portuguese:espaço (pt) m
- Romanian:spațiu (ro) n
- Russian:простра́нство (ru) n(prostránstvo)
- Serbo-Croatian:
- Cyrillic:про́стор m
- Roman:próstor (sh) m
- Slovak:priestor (sk) m
- Slovene:prostor m
- Sorbian:
- Lower Sorbian:rumnosć f
- Spanish:espacio (es) m
- Swahili:nafasi (sw)
- Swedish:rymd (sv) c,utrymme (sv) n
- Tajik:фазо (tg)(fazo)
- Thai:ช่องว่าง,ที่ว่าง
- Turkish:boşluk (tr),mekân (tr)
- Ukrainian:про́стір (uk) m(próstir)
- Urdu:فضاء(fazā')
- Vietnamese:khoảng (vi),chỗ (vi),không gian (vi)
area beyond atmosphere of planets
- Albanian:hapësirë (sq) f
- Arabic:فَضَاء (ar) m(faḍāʾ)
- Armenian:տիեզերք (hy)(tiezerkʿ)
- Azerbaijani:kosmos,fəza (az)
- Bashkir:йыһан(yïhan)
- Basque:espazio
- Belarusian:ко́смас m(kósmas)
- Bengali:মহাশূন্য (bn)(môhaśunjô),মহাকাশ(môhakaś)
- Breton:egor (br) m
- Bulgarian:ко́смос (bg) m(kósmos)
- Burmese:အာကာသ (my)(akasa.)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin:太空 (zh)(tàikōng),宇宙 (zh)(yǔzhòu),空間/空间 (zh),空间 (zh)(kōngjiān)
- Czech:vesmír (cs) m
- Danish:rummet
- Dutch:ruimte (nl) f
- Estonian:maailmaruum
- Finnish:avaruus (fi)
- French:espace (fr) m
- Georgian:კოსმოსი(ḳosmosi)
- German:Weltraum (de) m,All (de) n,Weltall (de) n
- Greek:διάστημα (el) n(diástima)
- Hebrew:חָלָל (he) m(khalál)
- Hindi:अंतरिक्ष (hi) m(antrikṣ)
- Hungarian:űr (hu),világűr (hu)
- Icelandic:geimur (is) m
- Indonesian:antariksa (id)
- Irish:spás m
- Italian:spazio (it) m
- Japanese:宇宙 (ja)(うちゅう, uchū)
- Kalmyk:санср(sansr)
- Kazakh:ғарыш (kk)(ğaryş)
- Khmer:អវកាស (km)(ʾɑwkaah)
- Korean:우주 (ko)(uju) (宇宙 (ko))
- Kyrgyz:космос(kosmos)
- Lao:ອາວະກາດ(’ā wa kāt)
- Latgalian:kosmoss,vysaine
- Latin:spatium (la) n
- Latvian:kosmoss m
- Lithuanian:kosmosas m
- Macedonian:вселена f(vselena),космос m(kosmos)
- Malay:angkasa,awang-awang,sawang langit,sawangan
- Maori:ātea,tuarangi
- Middle Persian:spʾš(spāš)
- Mongolian:сансар (mn)(sansar),огторгуй (mn)(ogtorguj)
- Norwegian:
- Bokmål:verdensrom n
- Nynorsk:verdsrom n
- Pali:ākāsa
- Persian:فضا (fa)(fazâ),اسپاش(espâš)
- Polish:kosmos (pl) m,przestrzeń kosmiczna (pl) f
- Portuguese:espaço (pt) m
- Romanian:spațiu (ro) n
- Russian:ко́смос (ru) m(kósmos),простра́нство (ru) n(prostránstvo)
- Sanskrit:आकाश (sa) m(ākāśa),अन्तरीक्ष (sa) n(antarīkṣa)
- Serbo-Croatian:
- Cyrillic:све̏мӣр m,васио́на f,васељена f,космос m
- Roman:svȅmīr (sh) m,vasióna (sh) f,vaseljena f,kosmos (sh) m
- Sinhalese:අභ්යවකාශය(abhyavakāśaya)
- Spanish:espacio (es) m
- Swahili:nafasi (sw)
- Swedish:rymd (sv) c,världsrymd (sv) c
- Tajik:фазо (tg)(fazo)
- Tatar:фәза (tt)(fäza)
- Telugu:అంతరిక్షము (te)(antarikṣamu)
- Thai:อวกาศ (th)
- Turkish:feza (tr)(obsolecent),uzay (tr)
- Turkmen:kosmos
- Ukrainian:ко́смос m(kósmos)
- Urdu:خلاء (ur) m(xalā')
- Uzbek:kosmos (uz),fazo (uz)
- Vietnamese:không gian (vi) (空間),khoảng không (vi)
- Welsh:gofod (cy) m
- Yiddish:קאָסמאָס m(kosmos)
bounded or specific physical extent
gap between written characters, lines etc.
- Belarusian:прабе́л m(prabjél)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin:空白 (zh)(kòngbái)
- Czech:mezera f
- Danish:mellemrum
- Dutch:spatie (nl) m
- Esperanto:spaceto
- Estonian:tühik
- Finnish:väli (fi),sanaväli (fi)
- French:espace (fr) m,blanc (fr) m
- German:Leerzeichen (de) n,Leerstelle (de) f
- Greek:διάστημα (el) n(diástima)
- Hebrew:רווח (he) m(révakh),מרווח m(mirvákh)
- Hungarian:szóköz (hu)
- Irish:spás m
- Japanese:(gap between written characters)空白 (ja)(くうはく, kūhaku),(blank at a top or bottom of a page)余白 (ja)(よはく, yohaku)
- Khmer:ឃ្លា (km)(klie)
- Korean:공백(gongbaek)
- Lithuanian:tarpas m
- Macedonian:проред m(prored)
- Maori:mokorawhā,mokowā
- Navajo:hazʼą́
- Persian:فاصله (fa)(fâsele)
- Polish:spacja (pl) f,odstęp (pl) m
- Portuguese:espaço (pt) m
- Russian:пробе́л (ru) m(probél)
- Swahili:nafasi (sw)
- Swedish:mellanrum (sv),mellanslag (sv)(typographic character)
- Thai:ช่องไฟ
- Turkish:boşluk (tr)
- Ukrainian:пробі́л m(probíl)
- Urdu:وقفہ m(waqfah)
- Vietnamese:(молимоверавање)khoảng cách chữ,(молимоверавање)phiến cách chữ
piece of type used to separate words
music: position on the staff
mathematics: generalized construct or set
figuratively: marketplace for goods or services
- Преводе у наставку треба проверити и уметнути изнад у одговарајуће табеле превода. Видите инструкције наВикиречник:Унос § Преводи.
See also
Lua грешка in Модул:en-headword at line 1145: Legacy parameter 1=STEM no longer supported, just use 'en-verb' without params.
- (obsolete, intransitive) Toroam,walk,wander.
- 1596, Edmund Spenser,The Faerie Queene, IV.ii:
- But she as Fayes are wont, in priuie place / Did spend her dayes, and lov'd in forests wyld tospace.
- (transitive) To set some distance apart.
- Faye hadspaced the pots at 8-inch intervals on the windowsill.
- The cities are evenlyspaced.
- To insert or utilise spaces in a written text.
- This paragraph seems badlyspaced.
- (transitive, science fiction) Toeject intoouter space, usually without aspace suit.
- The captainspaced the traitors.
- (intransitive, science fiction) To travel into and throughouter space.
- Lua грешка in Модул:quote at line 2964: Parameter 1 is required..
Derived terms
to set some distance apart
to eject into outer space
Related terms
Old French
space m (oblique pluralspaces,nominative singularspaces,nominative pluralspace)
- Alternative form ofespace