Словоá (upper case Á )
The lettera with anacute accent .
See also
Letter á (lower case ,upper case Á )
The second letter of the Czech and Slovak alphabet, aftera and beforeb
Faroese Dalsá í Gásadali
Etymology 1 Long Old Norse/a/ . Often written asā or normalizedá or evenaa , compare Swedish, Danish, Norwegianå .[ 2]
Noun á (upper case Á )
The другиletter of the Faroesealphabet , written in theLatin script .
See also ( Латиница-текст слова) bókstavur ;A a ,Á á ,B b ,D d ,Ð ð ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,Í í ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ó ó ,P p ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,Ú ú ,V v ,Y y ,Ý ý ,Æ æ ,Ø ø
Etymology 2 FromOld Norse á ( “ river ” ) , Svabo:Aa ,[ 3] fromПра-Германски *ahwō , fromProto-Indo-European *h₂ekʷeh₂ ( “ water ” ) .
Noun á f (genitive singular áar , plural áir )
brook ,stream ,river
Usage notes ( poetry ) : áir renna vakrar har ―therivers flow beautiful there áirnar standa ásvølgi ―therivers stand on deep water (= it's raining a lot) (compareáarføri )um áir og gjáir ―overrivers and gorges (= to travel a long way)farayvir umá(nna) eftir vatni ―go overthe river in order to get water (= to look for unnecessary struggle)tað gekk sum eftir ánni ―it went like after theriver (= it was very easy)ganga /fara í áir ―go tothe river in order to fish trouts [ 3] (described inFøroysk orðabók 1998 as local usage in the island ofVágar about fishing trouts in a lake[ 4] )
Declension Шаблон:fo-decl-noun-f2 (á)
Etymology 3 FromOld Norse á ( “ on, onto, in, at ” ) .[ 5]
Preposition á
( with accusative ) on ,onto ,to ,near ,beside ( with accusative, fjords, bays, harbours ) to( with dative ) on ,in ,at ( with dative, place names ) in( with dative, fjords, bays, harbours ) at, in( with dative, seafaring and fishery ) at
Usage notes The preposition 'á' is used with accusative case if the verb shows movement from one place to another, whereas it is used with dative case if the verb shows location. This is the same usage as with Germanauf :
Governing accusative with fjords, bays, harbours Governing dative bókinliggur á borðinum ―the book ison the table hann er umborðá skipinum ―he isaboard the ship tað stendur á talvuni ―this standson the blackboard vera á fjalli ―to bein the mountains (in order to roundup the sheep[ 5] )Place names (antonym: av )with fjords, bays, harbours skipið láá Havnini ―the ship laysin Tórshavn with seafaring and fishery veraá útróðri ―to be fishing (with a rowing boat) [ 5]
Etymology 4 Onomatopoeic .
Interjection á!
oh !animal sound of the puffin (lundi )
Etymology 5 FromOld Norse [Терм?] .
Verb á
archaic third-person present ofeiga
Etymology 1 From contraction of prepositiona ( “ to, towards ” ) + feminine definite articlea ( “ the ” )
Contraction á f (masculine ao ,masculine plural aos ,feminine plural ás )
to the ,towards the
Etymology 2 FromOld Galician-Portuguese aa , fromЛатински ala . CompareПортугалски á .Дублети ofala .
Noun á f (plural ás )
wing c1350 , K. M. Parker (ed.),Historia Troyana . Santiago: Instituto "Padre Sarmiento", page 30:etas de leychuza andwings of an owl
Etymology 1
Interjection á
oh ,ah ( expression of surprise ) Á , már itt is vagy? ―Oh , are you here already?oh ( expression of dismissiveness, disagreement, or disbelief ) Á , nem hiszem. Ő sose mond ilyet. ―Oh , I don't believe it. He/She'll never say such a thing.
Etymology 2
Letter Шаблон:hu-letter
The другиletter of the Мађарскиalphabet , calledá and written in theLatin script .
Derived terms
See also ( Латиница-текст слова) betű ;A a ,Á á ,B b ,C c ,Cs cs ,D d ,Dz dz ,Dzs dzs ,E e ,É é ,F f ,G g ,Gy gy ,H h ,I i ,Í í ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ly ly ,M m ,N n ,Ny ny ,O o ,Ó ó ,Ö ö ,Ő ő ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Sz sz ,T t ,Ty ty ,U u ,Ú ú ,Ü ü ,Ű ű ,V v ,Z z ,Zs zs
Etymology 1
Letter á (upper case Á )
The другиletter of the Icelandicalphabet , written in theLatin script .
Noun á ?
The name of theЛатинско писмо letterÁ /á .
See also ( Латиница-текст слова) bókstafur ;A a ,Á á ,B b ,D d ,Ð ð ,E e ,É é ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,Í í ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ó ó ,P p ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,Ú ú ,V v ,X x ,Y y ,Ý ý ,Þ þ ,Æ æ ,Ö ö
Etymology 2 FromOld Norse á ( “ river ” ) , fromПра-Германски *ahwō , fromProto-Indo-European *h₂ekʷeh₂ ( “ water ” ) . CompareДански å ,Норвешки å ,Шведски å .
Noun á f (genitive singular ár ,nominative plural ár )
river Синоним: fljót
Declension Шаблон:is-decl-noun-f-s1
Etymology 3 Inflection ofá .
Noun á f
[[Додатак:Речник#indefinite|indefinite ]]accusative singular ofá [[Додатак:Речник#indefinite|indefinite ]]dative singular ofá
Etymology 4 Inflection ofær .
Noun á f
[[Додатак:Речник#indefinite|indefinite ]]accusative singular ofær [[Додатак:Речник#indefinite|indefinite ]]dative singular ofær
Etymology 5 Conjugation ofeiga .
Verb á
first-person singular present indicative ofeiga Iown .third-person singular present indicative ofeiga Heowns .
Etymology 6
Interjection á!
ow !ouch !
Etymology 7 FromOld Norse á , fromProto-Norse ᚨᚾ ( an ) , fromПра-Германски *ana .
Preposition á
( with dative, with accusative ) on Hvar erulyklarnir ? - Þeir eruá borðinu . Where are the keys? - They areon the table. ( with dative, with accusative ) in
Derived terms
Etymology 1 Fromdhá , lenited variant ofdá .
Pronoun Шаблон:ga-pron
him ,her ,it ,them ( used before the verbal noun in the progressive to indicate a third person direct object ) Táimá bhualadh. ―I am hitting him. Táimá ól. I am drinking it( referring to a masculine noun, e.g.bainne ( “ milk ” ) ) . Táimá bualadh. ―I am hitting her. Táimá hól. I am drinking it( referring to a feminine noun, e.g.bláthach ( “ buttermilk ” ) ) . Táimá mbualadh. ―I am hitting them. Táimá n-ól. ―I am drinking them. used as a quasi-reflexive pronoun in a sentence with passive semantics Tá an buachaillá bhualadh. The boy is being hit( literally ‘The boy is at his hitting’ ) . Tá an chlochá tógáil ag Séamas. The stone is being lifted by Séamas( literally ‘The stone is at its lifting by Séamas’ ) .
Alternative forms
Related terms
Etymology 2 Onomatopoeic .
Interjection á!
ah !
Etymology 3
Letter á
The lettera with anacute accent .
Further reading "á " inFoclóir Gaeilge-Béarla , An Gúm, 1977, byNiall Ó Dónaill . Entries containing “á ” inEnglish-Irish Dictionary , An Gúm, 1959, byTomás de Bhaldraithe . Entries containing “á ” inNew English-Irish Dictionary by Foras na Gaeilge.
Романизацијаá (Zhuyin Lua грешка in Модул:string_utilities at line 388: bad argument #1 to 'find' (string expected, got table). )
Pinyin превод од啊 Pinyin превод од嗄
Min Nan
Etymology 1
Conjunction á (POJ )Lua грешка in Модул:utilities/templates at line 10: Parameter "sc" is not used by this template..
introduces an alternative or a word that explains or means the same
Particle á (POJ ,traditional and simplified 仔 )Lua грешка in Модул:utilities/templates at line 10: Parameter "sc" is not used by this template..
a diminutive suffix for nouns, adjectives or quantities 囡仔 [Hokkien ] ― gín-á [Pe̍h-ōe-jī ] ― child小叔仔 [Hokkien ] ― sió-chek-á [Pe̍h-ōe-jī ] ― brother-in-law (husband's younger brother)勻勻仔 / 匀匀仔 [Hokkien ] ― ûn-ûn-á [Pe̍h-ōe-jī ] ― slowly小可仔 [Hokkien ] ― sió-khóa-á [Pe̍h-ōe-jī ] ― a little bit歌仔戲 / 歌仔戏 ― gēzǐxì ― Taiwanese opera a suffix that converts a verb or adjective into a noun 抿仔 [Hokkien ] ― bín-á [Pe̍h-ōe-jī ] ― brush矮仔 [Hokkien ] ― é-á [Pe̍h-ōe-jī ] ― shortya suffix placed after a name or title, used endearingly, humorously or pejoratively
Etymology 2 За изговор и дефиниције од á – види猶 (“still ;yet ”). (Овај character,á , јеthePe̍h-ōe-jī облик од猶 .)
Кинески:Мин Нан Pe̍h-ōe-jī облици
Old Irish
Etymology 1
Determiner á (3rd person possessive )( triggerslenition in the masculine and neuter singular, an unwritten prothetic /h/ in the feminine singular, andeclipsis in the plural )
Alternative form ofa Шаблон:RQ:sga-gloss Mad·genatará thimthirthidi. Blessed are his servants. Шаблон:RQ:sga-gloss Nach torbatu coitchenn ro·boí indib fri denum n-uilc at·rubalt tar hesiá pectha. Every common advantage that had been in them for doing evil has perished for their sin.
Etymology 2
Particle á ( triggerslenition )
Alternative form ofa
Etymology 3 FromProto-Indo-European *h₁óh₃s .
Noun á
Mutation Old Irish mutation Radical Lenition Nasalization á unchanged n-á Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible mutated form of every word actually occurs.
References “á ” inDictionary of the Irish Language , Royal Irish Academy, 1913–76.
Old Norse á
Etymology 1 FromПра-Германски *ahwō ( “ water, stream ” ) , fromProto-Indo-European *h₂ekʷeh₂ ( “ water ” ) . Cognate withСтари Енглески ēa ,Old Frisian ā ,ē ,Old Saxon aha ,Old High German aha ,Готски 𐌰𐍈𐌰 ( aƕa ) .
Alternative forms
Noun á f (genitive ár ,plural ár )
Declension Declension ofá (strongō -stem,ar andir -plurals)
Derived terms
Descendants → Средњи Енглески:a ,aa Icelandic:á Faroese:á Norwegian Nynorsk:å Norwegian Bokmål:å Old Swedish:a ,ā Old Danish:a ,ā
Etymology 2 FromПра-Германски *awiz , fromProto-Indo-European *h₂ówis .
Noun á f (genitive ár ,plural ár )
Alternative form ofær
Declension Шаблон:non-decl-f-o
Etymology 3 FromProto-Norse ᚨᚾ ( an ) , fromПра-Германски *ana ( “ on, onto ” ) . Cognate withСтари Енглески on ,Old Frisian on ,Old Saxon ana ,an ,Old Dutch ana ,an ,in ,Old High German ana ,an ,Готски 𐌰𐌽𐌰 ( ana ) .
Preposition á
( with dative ) on Þeir eruá hólmi. They areon an island. ( with dative ) in Ekbý á Islandi. I livein Iceland.
Descendants Icelandic:á Faroese:á Norwegian Nynorsk:på ,å Norwegian Bokmål:på ,å Шведски:på ,å Дански:på ,å
Etymology 4 Probably related toOld Norse æ ( “ always ” )
Adverb á (notcomparable )
Etymology 5 An imitation of a cry of pain.
Interjection á
ow !ouch !
Etymology 6 See the etymology of themain entry .
Noun Шаблон:non-noun form
inflection ofái : oblique singular accusative plural genitive plural inflection ofær : accusative singular dative singular genitive plural
Verb Шаблон:non-verb form
inflection ofeiga : first-person singular present indicative third-person singular present indicative
References á inA Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic , G. T. Zoëga, Clarendon Press, 1910, atInternet Archive .á inA Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic , G. T. Zoëga, Clarendon Press, 1910, atInternet Archive .
Old Portuguese
Alternative forms
Etymology FromЛатински illa f ( “ that ” ) .
Article á
feminine singular ofo
Descendants Fala:a Galician:a Португалски:a
Etymology 1 FromЛатински ā .
Alternative forms
Noun á m (plural ás )
The name of theЛатинско писмо letterA /a .
Derived terms
Etymology 2 FromOld Galician-Portuguese aa ( “ wing ” ) , fromЛатински āla ( “ wing ” ) . Cognate withGalician á ,Шпански ala ,Каталонски ala ,Occitan ala ,Француски aile ,Италијански ala andLigurian âa .Дублети ofala , which was a borrowing.
Noun á f (plural ás )
( archaic , usually in theplural ) wing
References “aa ” inDicionario de dicionarios do galego medieval .
Preposition á
Obsolete spelling ofa
Etymology 1
Noun á
The name of theЛатинско писмо letterĂ /ă .
Etymology 2 Sino-Vietnamese word from亞 (“sub- ”)
Prefix Шаблон:vi-prefix
secondary á hậu a beauty pageant runner-up Mạnh Tử được mệnh danh là á thánh, sau Khổng Tử. Mencius is known as the secondary sage, second only to Confucius. semi- ;demi-