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Takođe pogledajte:completé,complété, icomplète
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FromSrednji Engleskicompleet(full, complete), borrowed fromStari Francuskicomplet orLatinskicompletus, past participle ofcompleō(I fill up, I complete) (whence alsocomplement,compliment), fromcom- +pleō(I fill, I fulfill) (whence alsodeplete,replete,plenty), ultimately fromProto-Indo-European*pleh₁-(to fill) (Englishfull).

Alternative forms



Lua greška in Modul:en-headword at line 1145: Legacy parameter 1=STEM no longer supported, just use 'en-verb' without params.

  1. (transitive) Tofinish; to makedone; to reach theend.
    Hecompleted the assignment on time.
  2. (transitive) To makewhole orentire.
    The last chaptercompletes the book nicely.

Usage notes


Related terms


to finish
to make whole or entire
Prevode u nastavku treba proveriti i umetnuti iznad u odgovarajuće tabele prevoda. Vidite instrukcije naVikirečnik:Unos § Prevodi.
Prevodi za proveru


complete (comparativecompleterormorecomplete,superlativecompletestormostcomplete)

  1. With all partsincluded; with nothing missing; full.
    My life will becomplete once I buy this new television.
    She offered mecomplete control of the project.
    After she found the rook, the chess set wascomplete.
    • 2012, William Matthews,The Tragedy of Arthur[1],University of California Press, page68:
      []and two enormous Scottish poems, theBuik of Alexander, which has been improbably ascribed to Barbour, and Sir Gilbert Hay'sBuik of Alexander the Conquerour; one nearlycompleteProse Life of Alexander and fragments of four others; a stanzaic translation of theFuerres de Gadres which survives only in a fragment, theRomance of Cassamus, and three separate translations of theSecreta Secretorum.
    • 2012 March-April,Terrence J. Sejnowski, “Well-connected Brains”, inAmerican Scientist[2], volume100, number 2, page171:
      Creating acomplete map of the human connectome would therefore be a monumental milestone but not the end of the journey to understanding how our brains work.
  2. Finished;ended;concluded; completed.
    When your homework iscomplete, you can go and play with Martin.
    • 1898,Winston Churchill, chapter 5, inThe Celebrity:
      In the eyes of Mr. Farquhar Fenelon Cooke the apotheosis of the Celebrity wascomplete. The people of Asquith were not only willing to attend the house-warming, but had been worked up to the pitch of eagerness. The Celebrity as a matter of course was master of ceremonies.
  3. Generic intensifier.
    He is acomplete bastard!
    It was acomplete shock when he turned up on my doorstep.
    Our vacation was acomplete disaster.
  4. (mathematical analysis, of ametric space) In which everyCauchy sequence converges to a point within the space.
  5. (algebra, of alattice) In which every set with a lower bound has a greatest lower bound.
  6. (matematika, of acategory) In which all smalllimits exist.
  7. (logic, of a proof system of aformal system with respect to a givensemantics) In which every semanticallyvalidwell-formed formula isprovable.[1]
    • Gödel's first incompleteness theorem showed thatPrincipia could not be both consistent andcomplete. According to the theorem, for every sufficiently powerful logical system (such asPrincipia), there exists a statementG that essentially reads, "The statementG cannot be proved." Such a statement is a sort of Catch-22: ifG is provable, then it is false, and the system is therefore inconsistent; and ifG is not provable, then it is true, and the system is therefore incomplete.WP
  8. (computingtheory, of aproblem) That is in a givencomplexity class and is such that every other problem in the class can bereduced to it (usually inpolynomial time orlogarithmic space).
    • 2007, Yi-Kai Liu,The Complexity of the Consistency and N-representability Problems for Quantum States,page17:
      QMA arises naturally in the study of quantum computation, and it also has acomplete problem, Local Hamiltonian, which is a generalization ofk-SAT.
    • 2009, Sanjeev Arora and Boaz Barak,Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach,page137:
      BPP behaves differently in some ways from other classes we have seen. For example, we know of nocomplete languages forBPP.





Derived terms



with everything included
finished; ended; concluded; completed
generic intensifier derived from "complete"
of metric space: such that every Cauchy sequence converges in it
of a lattice: such that every set with a lower bound has a greatest lower bound
of a category: such that all small limits exist
of a proof system: such that any semantically valid formula is also provable


complete (pluralcompletes)

  1. A completedsurvey.
    • 1994, industry research published inQuirk's Marketing Research Review, Volume 8, p. 125;Research Services Directory Blue Book, published by the Marketing Research Association, p 552; andGreen Book, Volume 32, published by the New York Chapter, American Marketing Association, p. 451
      “If SSI says we're going to get twocompletes an hour, the sample will yield two Qualifieds to do the survey with us.”
    • 2013, Residential Rates OIR webinar published byPG&E, January 31, 2013
      “…our market research professionals continue to advise us that providing the level of detail necessary to customize to each typical customer type would require the survey to be too lengthy and it would be difficult to get enoughcompletes.”
    • 2016, "Perceptions of Oral Cancer Screenings Compared to Other Cancer Screenings: A Pilot Study", thesis for Idaho State University by M. Colleen Stephenson.
      “Don’t get discouraged if you’re on a job that is difficult to getcompletes on! Everyone else on the job is most likely struggling, and there will be easier surveys that you will dial on.”

Further reading


  1. Sainsbury, Mark [2001]Logical Forms : An Introduction to Philosophical Logic. Blackwell Publishing, Hong Kong (2010), page 358.





  1. complete



complete pl

  1. Feminine plural of adjectivecompleto.




  1. second-personpluralpresentactiveimperative ofcompleō

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  1. first-personsingularpresentsubjunctive ofcompletar
  2. third-personsingularpresentsubjunctive ofcompletar
  3. first-personsingularimperative ofcompletar
  4. third-personsingularimperative ofcompletar




  1. Formal second-person singular (usted) imperative form ofcompletar.
  2. First-person singular (yo) present subjunctive form ofcompletar.
  3. Formal second-person singular (usted) present subjunctive form ofcompletar.
  4. Third-person singular (él,ella, also used withusted?) present subjunctive form ofcompletar.
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