Trust mozgova,analitički centar ili ređetink tenk (енгл.think tank; doslovno „rezervoar misli”) je izraz koji u najširem smislu podrazumeva formalnu ili neformalnu grupunaučnika,akademika ili vrhunskih stručnjaka za neku oblast koji redovno daju stručno mišljenje i savete određenom pojedincu, organizaciji ili celoj javnosti. U užem smislu se pod time podrazumevajuneprofitne organizacije posvećeneistraživačkom radu i/ilizastupanju telobiranju određene ideje iliideologije.
Izraz "trust mozgova" (енгл.brain trust) potiče od trusta mozgova, odnosno naziva koji jeamerička štampa 1932. godine dala grupi pravnih i ekonomskih stručnjaka koje je tadašnjidemokratski predsednički kandidatFrenklin Ruzvelt okupio kao savetnike za svoju izbornu kampanju zapredsednika SAD. Nakon izborne pobede je njegovtrust mozgova zadržao svoju savetničku ulogu i značajno pomogao formulisanju dalekosežnih ekonomskih i zakonodavnih reformi koje će kasnije biti poznate kaoNjudil.
Abelson, Donald E.Do Think Tanks Matter? Assessing the Impact of Public Policy Institutes. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2002.
Arin, Kubilay Yado:Think Tanks, the Brain Trusts of US Foreign Policy. Wiesbaden: VS Springer 2013.
Boucher, Stephen, et al.,Europe and its think tanks; a promise to be fulfilled. An analysis of think tanks specialised in European policy issues in the enlarged European Union, Studies and Research No 35, October, Paris, Notre Europe, 2004PDF
Cockett, Richard,Thinking the unthinkable: think tanks and the economic counter revolution; 1931–1983, London: Fontana, 1995.
Cotton, James (2016). „Chatham House and Africa c1920–1960: The Limitations of the Curtis Vision”.South African Historical Journal.68 (2): 147—162.doi:10.1080/02582473.2016.1182206.
Patrick Dixon.Futurewise – Six Faces of Global Change – issues covered by Think Tanks and methodology for reviewing trends, impact on policy 2003): Profile Books
Lakoff, George.Moral Politics: What Conservatives Know That Liberals Don't. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996.
Ladi, Stella.Globalisation, Policy Transfer And Policy Research Institutes, Edward Elgar, 2005.
Ranquet, Robert.Think Tanks and the National Security Strategy Formulation Process: A Comparison of Current American and French Patterns, 1997.PDF
Roberts, Priscilla (2015). „A century of international affairs think tanks in historical perspective”.International Journal: Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis.70 (4): 535—555.doi:10.1177/0020702015590591.
Smith, James. A.The Idea Brokers: Think Tanks and the Rise of the New Policy Elite, New York: The Free Press, 1991.
Stone, Diane, and Andrew Denham, eds.Think Tank Traditions: Policy Research and the Politics of Ideas. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004.
Struyk, Raymond J.Managing Think Tanks: Practical Guidance for Maturing Organizations, Budapest, Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative Washington DC., Urban Institute 2002
UNDP – United Nations Development Program.Thinking the Unthinkable, Bratislava, UNDP Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States, 2003
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