VrstaPrionogale breviceps je po ishrani bila malimesojed, a po izgledu i veličini je bila sličnamaloj lasici.[4] Zubna formula kod vrstePrionogale breviceps je?.[4]
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^Matthew R. Borths; Nancy J. Stevens (2019). „Simbakubwa kutokaafrika, gen. et sp. nov. (Hyainailourinae, Hyaenodonta, 'Creodonta,' Mammalia), a gigantic carnivore from the earliest Miocene of Kenya”.Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.39 (1): e1570222.doi:10.1080/02724634.2019.1570222.
^Solé, F.; Morlo, M.; Schaal, T.; Lehmann, T. (2021). „New hyaenodonts (Mammalia) from the late Ypresian locality of Prémontré (France) support a radiation of the hyaenodonts in Europe already at the end of the early Eocene”.Geobios. 66-67: 119—141.doi:10.1016/j.geobios.2021.02.004.