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Clive Owen

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Clive Owen

Clive Owen është njëAktor ngaMbretëria e Bashkuar, lindur më3 tetor1964. Ai ishte kandidat për çmiminGolden Globe të vitit2005 në kategorinëprotagonisti dytësor. Clive Owen u kandidua me rolin në filminCloser.


[Redakto |Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]
2007Golden AgeSirWalter Raleighduke u xhiruar
Shoot 'em UpMr. Smith
2006Children of MenTheodore Faron
Inside ManDalton Russell
The Pink PantherNigel Boswell/Agent 006
2005DerailedCharles Schine
Sin CityDwight McCarthy
King ArthurArthur
2003Beyond BordersNick Callahan
I'll Sleep When I'm DeadWill
2002The Bourne IdentityThe Professor
2001The HireThe Driver
Gosford ParkRobert Parks
Walk On ByNarratorfilm dokumentar
2000GreenfingersColin Briggs
Second Sight: Kingdom of the BlindDCI Ross Tannerfilm televizioni
Second Sight: ParasomniaDCI Ross Tannerfilm televizioni
Second Sight: Hide and SeekDCI Ross Tannerfilm televizioni
1999Split SecondMichael Andersonfilm televizioni
Second SightDCI Ross Tannerfilm televizioni
1998The EchoMichael Deaconfilm televizioni
1997CroupierJack Manfred
1996Privateer 2: The DarkeningSer Lev Arisvideo lojë
The Rich Man's WifeJake Golden
"Sharman"Nick Sharmanseri televizive
1995Bad Boy BluesPaulfilm televizioni
1994The Return of the NativeDamon Wildevefilm televizioni
Doomsday GunDovfilm televizioni
An Evening with Gary LinekerBillfilm televizioni
Nobody's ChildrenBratufilm televizioni
The TournaroundNick Sharman
1993Class of '61Devin O'Neilfilm televizioni
CenturyPaul Reisner
The MagicianDet. Con. George Byrnefilm televizioni
1991Close My EyesRichard
1990ChancerStephen Crane/Derek Loveseri televizive
Lorna DooneJohn Riddfilm televizioni
1989Precious BaneGideon Sarnfilm televizioni
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