Ephemeroptera Superregnum:Eukaryota Cladus:Unikonta Cladus:Opisthokonta Cladus:Holozoa Regnum:Animalia Subregnum:Eumetazoa Cladus:ParaHoxozoa Cladus:Bilateria Cladus:Nephrozoa Cladus:Protostomia Cladus:Ecdysozoa Cladus:Panarthropoda Phylum:Arthropoda Cladus:Pancrustacea Cladus:Allotriocarida Subphylum:Hexapoda Classis:Insecta Cladus:Dicondylia Subclassis:Pterygota Cladi:Neoptera –Odonatoptera –Panephemeroptera –†Bojophlebiidae –†Palaeodictyopteroidea
Palaeoptera (= Ephemeroptera + Odonata) hypothesis: Cladi:Neoptera –Palaeoptera
Metapterygota (= Neoptera + Odonata) hypothesis: Cladi:Metapterygota –Ephemeroptera
Chiastomyaria (= Neoptera + Ephemeroptera) hypothesis: Cladi:Chiastomyaria –Odonata
Overview of ordines [ edit ] Blattodea –Coleoptera –Dermaptera –Diptera –Embioptera –Ephemeroptera –Grylloblattodea –Hemiptera –Hymenoptera –Lepidoptera –Mantodea –Mantophasmatodea –Mecoptera –Megaloptera –Neuroptera –Odonata –Orthoptera –Phasmatodea –Plecoptera –Psocodea –Raphidioptera –Siphonaptera –Strepsiptera –Thysanoptera –Trichoptera –Zoraptera –†Coxoplectoptera –†Diaphanopterodea –†Hypoperlida –†Megasecoptera –†Miomoptera –†Palaeodictyoptera –†Paoliida –†Permopsocida –†Permothemistida –†Skleroptera –†Titanoptera –...
PterygotaGegenbaur , 1878
Additional references [ edit ] Grimaldi, D. &Engel, M.S. 2005.Evolution of the Insects . Cambridge University Press, New York, USA.ISBN 978-0-521-82149-0 .limited preview on Google Books .Reference page . Koçak, A.Ö. ;M.Kemal 2008:Report on the “Entomofauna of Old World” 1- Index of the recorded species of the Pterygot Insects of Old World (Turkey excluded) Cesa News 38: 2–54, 1 fig.PDF Koçak, A.Ö. ;M.Kemal 2009:Report on the “Entomofauna of Old World” 2- Index of the recorded species of the Pterygot Insects in the Continent Africa Cesa News 44: 1–57, 7 figs.PDF Koçak, A.Ö. ;M.Kemal 2010:Results of the Entomofauna of the World based upon info-system of the Cesa . Cent. ent. Stud., Priamus Suppl. 18: 1-3186, 2 figs, 1 mapPDF Prokop, J. &Nel, A. 2011. New middle Permian palaeopteran insects from Lodève basin in southern France (Ephemeroptera, Diaphanopterodea, Megasecoptera).ZooKeys 130: 41–55.DOI :10.3897/zookeys.130.1311 .Reference page . Sroka, P. ,Staniczek, A.H. &Bechly, G. 2014. Revision of the giant pterygote insectBojophlebia prokopi Kukalová-Peck , 1985 (Hydropalaeoptera: Bojophlebiidae) from the Carboniferous of the Czech Republic, with the first cladistic analysis of fossil palaeopterous insects.Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 13(11): 963–982.DOI :10.1080/14772019.2014.987958 .Reference page . Staniczek, A.H. ,Bechly, G. &Godunko, R.J. 2011. Coxoplectoptera, a new fossil order of Palaeoptera (Arthropoda: Insecta), with comments on the phylogeny of the stem group of mayflies (Ephemeroptera).Insect Systematics & Evolution 42(2): 101–138.DOI :10.1163/187631211X578406 .PDF .Reference page . Toms, R.B. 2007: Rooting the phylogenetic tree for winged insects: independent adaptations to terrestrial life.African invertebrates , 48 (1): 203–211.PDF Wheeler, W.C. ,Whiting, M. ,Wheeler, Q.D. &Carpenter, J.M. 2001. The phylogeny of the extant hexapod orders.Cladistics 17(2): 113–169.DOI :10.1111/j.1096-0031.2001.tb00115.x .Reference page . Wootton, R.J. 1992: Functional morphology of insect wings.Annual Review of Entomology , 37: 113–140.беларуская: Крылатыя насякомыябългарски: Крилатиčeština: KřídlatíDeutsch: FluginsektenEnglish: Winged insectssuomi: Siipikantaisetfrançais: Ptérygotehrvatski: Krilašimagyar: Szárnyas rovarok, elsődlegesen szárnyas rovarok日本語: 有翅昆虫亜綱 (ゆうしこんちゅうあこう)lietuvių: Sparnuotiejilatviešu: Spārneņinorsk bokmål: Vingede insekterpolski: Owady uskrzydloneрусский: Крылатые насекомыеsrpskohrvatski / српскохрватски: Krilašislovenščina: Krilate žuželkesvenska: Bevingade insekterTürkçe: Kanatlı böcekler中文: 有翅亞綱