Otus bakkamoenaFamilia:Strigidae
Species:O. alfredi –O. alius –O. angelinae –O. bakkamoena –O. balli –O. beccarii –O. bikegila –O. brookii –O. brucei –O. capnodes –O. collari –O. cyprius –O. elegans –O. enganensis –O. everetti –O. feae –O. fuliginosus –O. gurneyi –O. hartlaubi –O. icterorhynchus –O. insularis –O. ireneae –O. jolandae –O. lempiji –O. lettia –O. longicornis –O. madagascariensis –O. magicus –O. manadensis –O. mantananensis –O. mayottensis –O. megalotis –O. mendeni –O. mentawi –O. mindorensis –O. mirus –O. moheliensis –O. nigrorum –O. pamelae –O. pauliani –O. pembaensis –O. podarginus –O. rufescens –O. rutilus –O. sagittatus –O. scops –O. semitorques –O. senegalensis –O. siaoensis –O. silvicola –O. socotranus –O. spilocephalus –O. sulaensis –O. sunia –O. tempestatis –O. thilohoffmanni –O. umbra
Species extintae (formerly inMascarenotus):O. grucheti –O. murivorus –O. sauzieri
Species extintae:O. frutuosoi –O. mauli
OtusPennant, 1769
- ScopsSavigny, 1809
- ScopusOken, 1817 (emend.)
- PisorhinaKaup, 1848Isis col. 769 BHL
- EphialtesKeyserling &Blasius, 1851
- LempijiusBonaparte, 1854
- AthenopteraHume, 1870
- GymnoscopsTristram, 1880
- HeteroscopsSharpe, 1889
- MimizukuHachisuka, 1934
- PyrroglauxYamashina, 1938
- MascarenotusMourer-Chauviré,Bour,Moutou &Ribes, 1994
Additional references
[edit]- Heidrich, P.,König, C. &Wink, M. 1995. Molecular phylogeny of the South AmericanOtus atricapillus complex (Aves Strigidae) inferred from nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene.Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. 50c: 294–302.Full article (PDF)Reference page.
- Wink, M. &Heidrich, P. 1999. Molecular evolution and systematics of owls (Strigiformes). In:König, C.;Weick, F. &Becking, J.H. (eds.)Owls: A guide to the owls of the world. pp.39–57. Yale University Press, New Haven.ISBN 0-300-07920-6Full article (PDF)Reference page.
- König, C., Weick, F., & Becking, J.-H. (2008).Owls of the World. HelmISBN 978-0-7136-6548-2.
- Melo, M.,Freitas, B.,Verbelen, P.,da Costa, S.R.,Pereira, H.,Fuchs, J.,Sangster, G.,Correia, M.N.,de Lima, R.F. &Crottini, A. 2022. A new species of scops-owl (Aves, Strigiformes, Strigidae,Otus) from Príncipe Island (Gulf of Guinea, Africa) and novel insights into the systematic affinities withinOtus.ZooKeys 1126ː 1–54.DOI:10.3897/zookeys.1126.87635
Reference page. - Miranda, H.C., Jr.,Brooks, D.M. &Kennedy, R.S.. 2011. Phylogeny and taxonomic review of Philippine lowland scops owls (Strigiformes): parallel diversification of highland and lowland clades.Wilson Journal of Ornithology 123: 4441–454.DOI:10.1676/10-185.1PDFReference page.
- Rando, J.C.,Pieper, H.,Alcover, J.A. &Olson, S.L. 2012. A new species of extinct fossil scops owl (Aves: Strigiformes: Strigidae:Otus) from the Archipelago of Madeira (North Atlantic Ocean).Zootaxa 3182: 29–42.PreviewReference page.
- Rando, J.C.,Alcover, J.A.,Olson, S.L. &Pieper, H. 2013. A new species of extinct scops owl (Aves: Strigiformes: Strigidae:Otus) from São Miguel Island (Azores Archipelago, North Atlantic Ocean).Zootaxa 3647(2): 343–357.DOI:10.11646/zootaxa.3647.2.6Reference page.
- Flint, P.,Whaley, D.,Kirwan, G.M.,Charalambides, M.,Schweizer, M. &Wink, M. 2015. Reprising the taxonomy of Cyprus Scops OwlOtus (scops) cyprius, a neglected island endemic.Zootaxa 4040(3): 301–316.DOI:10.11646/zootaxa.4040.3.3.Preview (PDF)Reference page.
- Louchart, A.,Bastian, F.,Baptista, M.,Guarino-Vignon, P.,Hume, J.P.,Jacot-des-Combes, C.,Mourer-Chauviré, C.,Hänni, C. &Ollivier, M. 2018. Ancient DNA reveals the origins, colonization histories, and evolutionary pathways of two recently extinct species of giant scops owl from Mauritius and Rodrigues Islands (Mascarene Islands, south-western Indian Ocean).Journal of Biogeography. 45 (12): 2678–2689.DOI:10.1111/jbi.13450
Reference page. - Salter, J.F.,Oliveros, C.H.,Hosner, P.A.,Manthey, J.D.,Robbins, M.B.,Moyle, R.G.,Brumfield, R.T. &Faircloth, B.C. 2019. Extensive paraphyly in the typical owl family (Strigidae).The Auk. 137 (ukz070).DOI:10.1093/auk/ukz070
Reference page.
čeština: Výreček malý
Deutsch: Zwergohreulen
Ελληνικά: Ώτος
English: Scops owls
español: Autillo
suomi: Pöllöset
עברית: שָׂעִיר
日本語: コノハズク属
lietuvių: Apuokėliai
Nederlands: Dwergooruilen
Türkçe: Cüce baykuş
中文: 角鸮属