Echinopsis oxygona Familia:Cactaceae Subfamilia:Cactoideae Tribus:Cereeae Subtribus:Trichocereinae Genus:Echinopsis Species:E. aurea –E. breviflora –E. calochlora –E. chrysantha –E. densispina –E. eyriesii –E. haematantha –E. hammerschmidii –E. huotii –E. ibicuatensis –E. jajoiana –E. marsoneri –E. miecklyi –E. oxygona –E. silvestri –E. tubiflora
Source(s) of checklist: Korotkova, N. et al. 2021.Echinopsis inCactaceae at . A global synthesis of species diversity in the angiosperm order Caryophyllales. Published online. Accessed: 2021 Nov 04.Reference page .
Homotypic Echinonyctanthus Lem. , Cact. Gen. Sp. Nov. 10. 1839,nom. illeg. Echinopsis ser.Macracanthae K.Schum. inMart. & al.(ed.), Fl. Bras. 4(2): 227. 1890[1] .Echinopsis ser.Micracanthae K.Schum. inMart. & al.(ed.), Fl. Bras. 4(2): 227. 1890[2] .Heterotypic Acanthechinopsis Y.Itô , Illus. Flower. Cacti. 67. 1967.Andenea Kreuz , Verzeichn. Amer. Sukkulent. 34. 1935.Aureilobivia Frič inKreuz. , Verzeichnis Amer. Sukk. Rev. Syst. Kakteen 33. 1935,nom. inval. × Echinobivia G.D.Rowley in Natl. Cact. Succ. J. 21: 82. 1966Echinopsis subg.Pseudoechinopsis Backeb. , Systematische Übersicht, Blätter für Kakteenforschung 1(3):[2]. 1934nom. illeg. Heterolobivia Y.Itô , Bulletin of the Takarazuka Insectarium 71: 18. 1950,nom. inval. Hymenorebulobivia Frič exKreuz. , Verzeichnis Amer. Sukk. Revision Syst. Kakteen 29. 30. 1935[3] ,nom. inval. Hymenorebulobivia [infragen. unranked]Pectinatae Kreuz. , Verzeichnis Amer. Sukk. Revision Syst. Kakteen 29. 1935[4] ,nom. inval. Hymenorebulobivia [infragen. unranked]Spinosissimae Kreuz. , Verzeichnis Amer. Sukk. Revision Syst. Kakteen 29. 1935[5] ,nom. inval. Hymenorebutia Frič exBuining , Succulenta (Netherlands) 21 [101]. 1939.Lobivia subg.Hymenorebutia (Frič exBuining )J.Ullmann , Kaktusy (Brno) 28(1): 5. 1992.Type species: Hymenorebutia kreuzingeri Frič ex Buining Lobivia ser.Cylindricae Backeb. , Cactaceae Jb. der DKG. 1941(2): 33. 1942,nom. inval. Lobivia subg.Cyclolobivia Y.Itô , Bulletin of the Takarazuka Insectarium 71: 18. 1950,nom. inval. Lobivia subg.Hymenolobivia Buining &Kreuz. exF.Ritter , Kakteen Südamerika 2: 460. 1980.Hymenolobivia Kreuz. exBuining , Rebutieae V., Succulenta 20(5): 75. 1938,nom. inval. Megalolobivia Y.Itô , Bulletin of the Takarazuka Insectarium 71: 18. 1950,nom. inval. Pilopsis Y.Itô , Bulletin of the Takarazuka Insectarium 71: 17. 1950,nom. inval. Salpingolobivia Y.Itô , Explor. Diagr. Austro-echinocact. 290. 1957,nom. inval. × Soehrenantha Y.Itô, Shaboten (Zushi) 92: 25. 1976× Soehrenopsis Ficzere & Fabian, Debreceni Pozsgástár 18(2): 5. 2015× Soehrenfuria Y.Itô, Cactaceae: 649. 1981Scoparebutia Frič , Rebotioideae: [3]. 1936,nom. inval. Scoparebutia Frič exBuining , Succulenta 20(4): 55. 1938,nom. inval. Hymenorebutia subg.Scoparebutia Frič exBuining , Succulenta 21(9): 103. 1939,nom. inval. Note: This is a view ofEchinopsis s.s. , but more research is required (Korotkova et al., 2021) and changes may occur as more evidence emerges.
× Acanthinopsis –× Cleistopsis –× Echinobivia –× Echinomoza –× Echinopalxochia –× Echinophyllum –× Oreonopsis
Additional references [ edit ] Anderson, E.F. 2001:The Cactus Family Korotkova, N. ,Aquino, D. ,Arias, S. ,Eggli, U. ,Franck, A. ,Gómez-Hinostrosa, C. ,Guerrero, P.C. ,Hernández, H.M. ,Kohlbecker, A. ,Köhler, M. ,Luther, K. ,Majure, L.C. ,Müller, A. ,Metzing, D. ,Nyffeler, R. ,Sánchez, D. ,Schlumpberger, B. &Berendsohn, W.G. 2021. Cactaceae at Caryophyllales. org–a dynamic online species-level taxonomic backbone for the family.Willdenowia 51(2): 251–270.DOI :10.3372/wi.51.51208 Reference page . Preston-Mafham, R. &Preston-Mafham, K. 1992:Cacti the Illustrated Dictionary Schlumpberger, B.O. &Renner, S.S. 2012. Molecular phylogenetics of Echinopsis (Cactaceae): Polyphyly at all levels and convergent evolution of pollination modes and growth forms.American Journal of Botany 99(8):1335-1349.Schlumpberger, B.O. 2012. New combinations in the Echinopsis allianceCactaceae Systematics Initiatives 28.GRIN Taxonomy for Plants English: Hedgehog Cacti, Sea-urchin Cactus, Easter Lily Cactusespañol: Quiscosuomi: Pallokaktuksetmagyar: tengerisünkaktuszsvenska: Sjöborrekaktussläktet