Bitis arietans Familia:Viperidae Subfamilia:Viperinae Genus:Bitis Species (18):B. albanica –B. arietans –B. armata –B. atropos –B. caudalis –B. cornuta –B. gabonica –B. harenna –B. heraldica –B. inornata –B. nasicornis –B. parviocula –B. peringueyi –B. rhinoceros –B. rubida –B. schneideri –B. worthingtoni –B. xeropaga
Bitis Gray , 1842:69 [conserved name]
Type species:Vipera (Echidna) arietans Merrem , 1820, by subsequent designation by Opinion 188 (1945:87 ). Placed on the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology by Opinion 188 (1945:87 ). Cobra Laurenti , 1768:103 [suppressed name]Type species:Coluber atropos Linnaeus , 1758, by subsequent designation ofStejneger (1936: 140). Placed on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Specific Names in Zoology by Opinion 188 (1945:87 ). Echidna Merrem , 1820:14 [nomen praeoccupatum pro Echidna Forster , 1788]Clotho Gray , 1842:69 [nomen praeoccupatum pro Clotho Walckenaer , 1808 andClotho de Blainville , 1824]Type species:Cobra clotho Laurenti , 1768, by absolute tautonymy. Calechidna Tschudi , 1845:60 [as subgenus ofEchidna ]Hallowellius Reuss , 1939: 14Type species:Echidna gabonica Duméril, Bibron & Duméril , 1854, by original designation. Macrocerastes Reuss , 1939: 14Keniabitis Lenk ,Herrmann ,Joger &Wink , 1999: 36 [as subgenus]Type species:Bitis worthingtoni Parker , 1932, by original designation. Laurenti, J.N. 1768.Specimen medicum, exhibens synopsin reptilium emendatam cum experimentis circa venena et antidota reptilium austriacorum, quod authoritate et consensu (In Latin) . Joan Thomae: Vienna. 217 pp.BHL Reference page . Merrem, B. 1820.Versuch eines Systems der Amphibien . Johann Christian Krieger: Marburg. xv + 191 pp., 1 pl.BHL Reference page . Gray, J.E. 1842. Monographic Synopsis of the Vipers or the family Viperidae.Zoological Miscellany 2: 68–71.BHL International Commisision on Zoological Nomenclature 1945. Opinion 188. Suppression of the nameCobra Laurenti 1768 and suspension of the rules forBitis Gray , 1842. pp. 77–92In Hemming, F. (ed.).Opinions and declarations rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature . Volume 3, part 7. International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature: London. 448 pp.BHL Reference page . Lenk, P. ,Herrmann, H.-W. ,Joger, U. &Wink, M. 1999. Phylogeny and taxonomic subdivision ofBitis (Reptilia: Viperidae) based on molecular evidence.Kaupia 8: 31–38.Reference page . Additional references [ edit ] Ashe, J.S. &Marx, H. 1988. Phylogeny of the viperine snakes (Viperinae): Part II. Cladistic analysis and major lineages.Fieldiana: Zoology new series 52: 1–23.BHL Reference page . Wittenberg, R.D. ,Jadin, R.C. ,Fenwick, A.M. &Gutberlet Jr., R.L. 2015. Recovering the evolutionary history of Africa’s most diverse viper genus: morphological and molecular phylogeny ofBitis (Reptilia: Squamata: Viperidae).Organisms Diversity & Evolution 15(1): 115–125.DOI :10.1007/s13127-014-0185-3 Reference page . Gower, D.J. ,Wade, E. ,Spawls, S. ,Böhme, W. ,Buechley, E.R. ,Sykes, D. &Colston, T.J. 2016. A new large species ofBitis Gray , 1842 (Serpentes: Viperidae) from the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia.Zootaxa 4093(1): 41–63.DOI :10.11646/zootaxa.4093.1.3 Reference page . Barlow, A. ,Wüster, W. ,Kelly, C.M.R. ,Branch, W.R. ,Phelps, T. &Tolley, K.A. 2019. Ancient habitat shifts and organismal diversification are decoupled in the African viper genusBitis (Serpentes: Viperidae).Journal of Biogeography 46(6): 1234–1248.DOI :10.1111/jbi.13578 Reference page . Deutsch: PuffotternEnglish: Adders