Petrobius sp.Superregnum:Eukaryota Cladus:Unikonta Cladus:Opisthokonta Cladus:Holozoa Regnum:Animalia Subregnum:Eumetazoa Cladus:ParaHoxozoa Cladus:Bilateria Cladus:Nephrozoa Cladus:Protostomia Cladus:Ecdysozoa Cladus:Panarthropoda Phylum:Arthropoda Cladus:Pancrustacea Cladus:Allotriocarida Subphylum:Hexapoda Classis:Insecta Subclassis:Monocondylia Ordo:Archaeognatha Subordines:Machilida –†Monura
Familiae (2 + 1†):Machilidae –Meinertellidae –†Dasyleptidae
ArchaeognathaBörner , 1904:523 [as suborder of Thysanura]
Additional references [ edit ] Bitsch, J. &Nel, A. 1999. Morphology and classification of the extinct Archaeognatha and related taxa (Hexapoda).Annales de la Société entomologique de France (n.s.) 35: 17–30.Gallica .Reference page . Bowser, M.L. 2019. Archaeognatha of Canada. Pp 205–209In Langor, D.W. &Sheffield, C.S. (eds.). The Biota of Canada – A Biodiversity Assessment. Part 1: The Terrestrial Arthropods.ZooKeys 819: 520 pp.Reference page . .DOI :10.3897/zookeys.819.23572 Reference page . Grimaldi, D. &Engel, M.S. 2005.Evolution of the Insects . Cambridge University Press, New York, USA.ISBN 978-0-521-82149-0 .limited preview on Google Books .Reference page . Eusébio, R. ,Sendra, A. ,Enghoff, H. &Reboleira, A.S.P.S. 2018. Catalogue of the type material in the entomological collection of the Natural History Museum of Denmark: basal hexapods.Zootaxa 4457(2): 201–236.DOI :10.11646/zootaxa.4457.2.1 .ResearchGate .Reference page . Koch, M. 2003. Character evolution in the Archaeognatha: consensus and conflict. Pp. 120-122in :Klass, K.D. (ed.): Proceedings of the 1st Dresden meeting on insect phylogeny: "Phylogenetic relationships within the insect orders" (Dresden, September 19–21, 2003).Entomologische Abhandlungen , 61(2): 119–172.PDF Sturm, H. &Bach de Roca, C. 1993. On the systematics of the Archaeognatha (Insecta).Entomologia Generalis 18: 55–90.DOI :10.1127/entom.gen/18/1993/55 . [not seen]Alemannisch: Staigumpercatalà: Arqueògnatčeština: ChvostnatkyDeutsch: FelsenspringerΕλληνικά: ΑρχαιόγναθαEnglish: bristletails, jumping bristletailssuomi: Siimahäntäisetעברית: זנבזיפייםitaliano: Machilida日本語: イシノミ目한국어: 돌좀목 (고악목)Nederlands: Rotsspringersnorsk: Børstehalerpolski: Przerzutkiрусский: Древнечелюстныеslovenščina: Pračeljustnicesvenska: HoppborstsvansarTürkçe: Zıplayan kılkuyruklar中文: 石蛃目