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Fiiro gaar ah: Kani waa maqaal ku saabsan beel (qabiil), fadlan dhexdhexaad ka ahoow qoraalkaaga
بنو إسحاق
Meelaha ay ku badan yihiin




Dadka ay dhalyo wadagaan

Dir, iyo Dadka kale eeSoomaalida

Isaaq[1] (Af Carabi:ar‎,Af Ingiriis:Isaaq)waabeel ka mid ah QabiiladaSoomaalida, kuwaasi oo ku dhaqanJamhuriyada Somaliland ,Itoobiya ,Jabuuti iyokenya.


Qabriga Sheekh Isxaaq, kaasi oo ku aasan magaaladaMaydh.

Sida ku xusan buugaagta wakhtiyo hore la qoray iyo Dhaqan Soomaaliga ah, beesha Isaaq waxay ka soo tafiirmeen Sheekh lagu magacaabi jirey Sheekh Isxaaq ibn Axmed[2] kaasi oo la sheegay inuu asal ahaan ka soo ambobaxay wadanada Carabta wakhti lagu qiyaaso intii u dhexaysan qarnigii 12aad ilaa qarnigii 13aad. Shiekh Ishaaq waaDir,gaar ahaana waa Maha Dir.[3][4]

Intaas waxaa dheer, Sheekhu wuxuu guursaday labba gabdhood,ku waasoo kala aha, Habarmagado iyo Habar xabuusho, kuwaas oo ay ka soo tarmeen sideeda ilma Shiekh Isxaaq .[5][6][7]

Xubnaha Beesha

Sheikh Isxaaq[8] waxaa ka soo tafiirmay reeraha hoos ku xusan:

1. Habar Xabuusheed

  • Axmed (Tol-Jeclo)
  • Ibrahiim (Sanbuur)
  • Mahammad (‘imraan)
  • Muuse (Haberjeclo)
    • Mohamed Abokor
    • Muse Abokor
    • Samane Abokor

2. Habar Magaadle

  • Abdirahman (Habar Awal)
    • Said Muse
    • Isse Muse
  • Ayub
    • Said
    • Ibrahim
  • Muhammud (Arap)
  • Ismaciil (Garhajis)[9]
    • Eidagalle
    • Habar Yonis


Beesha Isaaq Waxay dhulka Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan,ka dagataaSomaliland sido kale gobalka Naivasha Kenya, iyo DDS ee somalidaItoobiya ,iyadoo gaar u leh dhulka Hawad And reserve area. Deeganda beeshu dagto waa mid aad bulaadhan , taaso Xubana beesha isaaq ay kula astaysanyihiin degaano gaar ah , oo lagu kala badanyahay Mamulkeeda.

Dadka Caanka Ah


  • Muhammad Haji Ibrahim Egal, former prime minister of Somalia July 1960, July 1967– November 1969; former president of Somaliland from May 1993 to May 2002.
  • Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud, former president of Somaliland from June 2010 to December 2017, fourth and longest-serving chairman of the Somali National Movement, and former chairman of the Kulmiye Party
  • Muse Bihi Abdi, current president of Somaliland
  • Abdirahman Ahmed Ali Tuur, last Somali National Movement chairman and first president of Somaliland
  • Abdirahman Mohamed Abdullahi, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Somaliland and the chairman of Wadani political party
  • Ahmed Yusuf Yasin, was the vice-president of Somaliland from 2002 until 2010. and the second chairman of UDUB party.
  • Abdurrahman Mahmoud Aidiid, former mayor of Hargeisa, the capital of the Somaliland
  • Abdikarim Ahmed Mooge, former mayor of Hargeisa
  • Ali Abdi Farah, former minister of communication and culture in Djibouti
  • Ali Ismail Yacqub - first minister of defence for the Somali Republic
  • Abdirahim Abbey Farah, former United Nations under-secretary general


  • Salaan Carrabey – legendary poet
  • Mohamed Nur Fadal - famous poet, WWI veteran and entrepreneur
  • Abdillahi Suldaan Mohammed Timacade, known as 'Timacade', a famous poet during the pre- and post-colonial periods
  • Mohamed Hashi Dhamac (Gaarriye), legendary Somali poet and political activist
  • Hadrawi, poet and philosopher; author of Halkaraan; also known as the "Somali Shakespeare"
  • Hurre Walanwal — renowned Somali poet and songwriter[88]
  • Elmi Boodhari, legendary and beloved poet and pioneer for many Somali poetry/music genres, specifically romance and is dubbed the "King of Romance
  • Hussein Hasan - legendary warrior and poet and was the grandson of the 1st Isaaq Sultan Guled Abdi
  • Farah Nur, a famous warrior, poet and sultan of the Arap subclan[89]
  • Kite Fiqi – legendary Habr Je'lo warrior and poet

Sarakiisha Milatariga

  • Mohamed Dalmar Yusuf Ali, more commonly known as "Mohamed Ali", high-ranking commander of the WSLF and SNM
  • Ahmed Hurre Haariye - Commander of the Somaliland Coast Guard[94][95]
  • Nimcaan Yusuf Osman, current chief of staff of the Somaliland Armed Forces
  • Deria Hassan, fourth Grand Sultan of Isaaq, recognised for being a wise and astute leader.
  • Mohamed Kahin Ahmed, high-ranking SNM commander and current Minister of Interior of Somaliland
  • Guled Haji, wise sage and commander of the Habr Yunis
  • Mohamed Hasan Abdullahi, former chief of staff of the Somaliland Armed Forces
  • Ibrahim Boghol, high-ranking commander of the Dervish movement
  • Nuh Ismail Tani, former chief of staff of the Somaliland Armed Forces
  • Mohamed Hashi Lihle - colonel of the SNA and later the commander of the military wing of the Somali National Movement
  • Mohamed Bullaleh - prominent 20th-century tribal chief and commander of the Hagoogane raid that destroyed Dervish movement


  • Musa Haji Ismail Galal, a Somali writer, scholar, linguist, historian and polymath
  • Abdillahi Diiriye Guled - Literary scholar and discoverer of the Somali prosodic system
  • Jama Musse Jama, prominent Somali ethnomathematician and author
  • Hussein Mohammed Adam (Tanzania) - foremost Somali intellectual and scholar who founded the Somali Studies International Association (SSIA)

Fanka Iyo Sugaanta

  • Abdullahi Qarshe, Somali musician, poet and playwright; known as the "Father of Somali music"
  • Ali Feiruz, popular musician in Djibouti, Somaliland and Somalia
  • Mohamed Mooge Liibaan, highly renowned Somali instrumentalist and vocalist.
  • Ahmed Mooge Liibaan, prominent Somali instrumentalist and vocalist
  • Nadifa Mohamed – Somali novelist. Winner of the 2010 Betty Trask Prize
  • Chunkz – English YouTuber, musician, host and entertainer
  • Ahmed Gacayte – famous Somali singer, songwriter and composer
  • Sahra Halgan, Somali singer and cultural activist
  • Shamis Abokor Ismail (Guduudo Carwo), Somali singer
Imam Ahmad ibn Ibrahim al-Ghazi, the General Rular of the Adal Sultanate.

Hogamiyaasha Iyo Wadaada

  • Sheikh Bashir, Somali religious leader who waged the 1945 Sheikh Bashir Rebellion
  • Imam Axmed Gurey, Conqueror of Abyssinia
  • Sheikh Ali Warsame – prominent Somali Islamic cleric and preacher, founder of AIAI (1939–2022)
  • Sheikh Mustafe Haji Ismail, Somali-Norwegian Muslim cleric, scholar, and Islamic philosopher
  • Sheikh Madar – head of Qadiriyya tariqa and influential figure in the early growth and expansion of Hargeisa

Abdallah Shihiri, senior advisor to the Mullah of the Dervish movement

  • Deria Arale, senior advisor to the Mullah of the Dervish movement
  • Haji Sudi, one of the founders of the Somali Dervish movement
  • Sheikh Mohamed Sheikh Omar Dirir - prominent religious scholar and businessman
  • Sultan Nur Ahmed Aman, Sultan of the Habr Yunis and one of the founders of the Somali Dervish movement
  • Ridwan Hirsi Mohamed – Former deputy prime minister of Somalia and former minister of religious affairs of Somalia
  • Yasin Handule Wais religious scholar and founder of Somaliland's first Islamic party in the mid-20th century

Salaadiinta Iyo Ugaasyada

  • Deria Hassan, 4th Grand Sultan of the Isaaq
  • Abdillahi Deria, 5th Grand Sultan of the Isaaq
  • Guled Abdi, 1st Grand Sultan of the Isaaq
  • Imam Axmed Gurey, Conqueror of Abyssinia
  • Awad Deria, 5th Sultan of the Habr Yunis
  • Deria Sugulleh Ainashe, 2nd Sultan of the Habr Yunis
  • Hersi Aman, 3rd Sultan of the Habr Yunis
  • Sharmarke Ali Saleh, major trader and governor of Berbera, Zeila and Tadjoura
  • Farah Guled, 2nd Grand Sultan of the Isaaq
  • Sultan Mohamed Sultan Farah - Sultan of the Arap clan and commander of the SNM's 10th *division
  • Sultan Abdulrahman Deria, Sultan of the Habr Awal clan
  • Sultan Abdillahi Deria, prominent anti-colonial figure and 5th Grand Sultan of the Isaaq
  • Mahamed Abdiqadir – 8th Grand Sultan of the Isaaq
  • Madar Hersi, 7th Sultan of the Habr Yunis Sultanate
  • Daud Mahamed, 9th and current Grand Sultan of the Isaaq
  • Sultan Osman Sultan Ali Koshin, the current Grand sultan of the Issa Musse clans

Sidoo kale fiiri


  1. Burton Richard Francis First Footsteps in East Africa 1856 Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans London
  2. Blood and Bone: The Call of Kinship in Somali Society, Lewis Ioan. M. The Red Sea Press Inc. 1994 Larwenceville, NJ
  3. Fage, J. D.; Oliver, Roland; Oliver, Roland Anthony; Clark, John Desmond; Gray, Richard; Flint, John E.; Roberts, A. D.; Sanderson, G. N.; Crowder, Michael (1975). The Cambridge History of Africa. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-20981-6.
  4. Hayward, R.J.; Lewis, I.M. (17 August 2005). Voice and Power. Routledge. p. 242. ISBN 9781135751753.
  5. Rima Berns McGown,Muslims in the diaspora, (University of Toronto Press: 1999), pp. 27–28
  6. I.M. Lewis,A Modern History of the Somali, fourth edition (Oxford: James Currey, 2002), p. 22
  7. Adam, Hussein M. (1980). Somalia and the World: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held in Mogadishu on the Tenth Anniversary of the Somali Revolution, October 15–21, 1979. Halgan.
  8. I. M. Lewis,A pastoral democracy: a study of pastoralism and politics among the Northern Somali of the Horn of Africa, (LIT Verlag Münster: 1999), p. 157.
  9. Lewis I.M. A Pastoral Democracy: A Study of Pastoralism and Politics Among the Northern Somali of the Horn of Africa 1999 International African Institute
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