




A downloadable game for Windows

(currently in beta)

Elemental is all about combining the fast paced linear aspects from Platformers! And the exploration aspects of an Open World Game!


  • Run, jump, swim through 32 well designed levels with exploration aspects and many different ways to go about them!
  • A simple physics engine with many things to do!
  • 4 Game Modes to play how you want!
  • 100% FREE :D

4 Game Modes:

  • New Game:The normal way to play, collect the secret gems to get secret gem buffs!
  • NG+:An easier mode, all the secret (NOT REGULAR) gems have been collected for you and you have all of the secret gem buffs!
  • INSANE:A mode where dying causes you to restart the level without keeping your gems, secret gems are gone so no buffs!
  • Free Play: A mode where you can play any level! Good for practicing speedruns!


Elemental [BETA].zip2.9 MB

Install instructions

Just unzip ;)


D OR [>] = Move right

A OR [<] = Move left

W OR [^] = Climb/ Go inside doors

Shift = Dash

Enter = Pause

Keyboard Shortcuts:

Enter + Shift = Go to Stage Selection

Enter + Escape = Go to Main Menu

Minimum Requirements:

  • OS:Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10
  • RAM: 512MB RAM
  • Graphics:128MB graphics
  • Sound Card: Yes
  • Free Disc Space: 4MB

In other words, just about nothing!

Recommended Requirments [WIP]

  • OS: Windows 7, 8 or 10 (64 BIT)
  • Ram: 2GB RAM
  • CPU: Intel Core 13-4130 Processor (3M Cache, 2.90 GHz)(This is just a placeholder, may change soon)·View all by snipr_sr·Report·Embed

