


Svetuka kuchirochemo


Kubva Wikipedia

Nzungu (Peanuts in English) chirimwa chinokura pasi pevhu chinorimwa nevarimi. Nzungu dzinokura mumateko ekuti kana woda nzungu unotanga wapwanya mateko aya, kunonzi kutonongora. Nzungu dzakatokonhorwa dzinonzimusvo.

Dzungu dzinoshandiswa kugadzira:dovi;mafuta; kudyiwa dzakadaro kana kuti kukangwa.Nzungu dzinogona kudyiwa dziri nyoro kana kuti dzakaoma. Kana dziri nyoro dzinobikwa nemvura mumakoko adzo kusvika dzaibva. Dzakaoma dzinoitwa zveku kangwa kana kubikwa dzakasangana nemutakura (kudya kunosanganiswa chibage,nzungu,nyimo kana nyemba dzakaoma).

  • Chinyekwe (Abnormal yield of fruit one plant) kanakunyeka zvinotaurwa kana dzinde rakabereka zvakanyanyisa.
  • Devere kanamatevere (Groundnut (gen name) kanadere izita rinorevanzungu.
  • Madevere (ground-nut oil).
  • Manduvi kanamanduwi (Stamped groundnuts to be ground into groundnut butter)??
  • Mhutwa (1. fragment especially of groundnut; 2. Undeveloped groundnut found when shelling nuts.).
  • Gunda kanamagunda (Groundnut plant together with its fruit).
  • Ndodzi (a small pea).
  • Kari kanadakataka Side-dish made by mixing groundnut butter and water and leaving rnixture to simmer on the fire).
  • Kupanda kanakuambura zvinoreva kudzura nzungu pakukohwa.
  • Chimhutwa (Heap of unshelled groundnuts).
  • Mangwingwindo (Coarsely ground groundnuts - used to soften leather).
  • Madzikinywa kanamachikinywa (Residue remaining after oil has been extracted from groundnuts).
  • ibu kanamabu pakuwanda (Immature groundnut eaten by children when crop is being lifted). Vamwe vanotibwai,magwezu kanarwezu.
  • gufu kanamagufu (Outer skin of grain - maize, sorghum; 2. Outer skin of nut - groundnut, bambara nut).
  • geto kanamaketo, (Shell removed from groundnut). Zvichida ndipo panobva zita rokutiMaketo?
  • Mhukutwi (Germ of groundnut).

Germ (1. a portion of an organism capable of developing into a new one or part of one; 2. the embryo in a cereal grain or other plant seed).

Mhando dzeNzungu

[chinjirudza |chinjirudza mabviro]


[chinjirudza |chinjirudza mabviro]
  • Chidokohori (Groundnuts stamped in duri and prepared as relish).


[chinjirudza |chinjirudza mabviro]
  • Wakadya mari nemhutwa: you have spent all your money down to the last and smallest coin.
  • kwerere kanasesepu (ideophone of having smooth consistency). Dovi rakanyatsotikwerere: the groundnut butter is of a really fine consistency
  • kwerendende (ideophone of thickening to a smooth consistency).
  • Akakurunga dovi rikasara rangotikwerendende: she stirred the groundnut butter till it was of a smooth and even consistency.
  • Kukuuka kanakudetsura (1. Grow large - of grain, groundnut etc. 2. Be very productive). Nzungu dzakakuuka pamusana pevhu rakakora: the groundnuts have grown very thickly because of the good soil.
  • Kukanangana kanakukangwa Be roasted). Nzungu dzakakanangana: roasted groundnuts.
  • Chinanzvira (Ground nut butter eaten by itself). Tsvetera chinanzvirwa pachingwa chako: spread groundnut butter on your bread.
  • Kuchikidza (Express oil from groundnuts).

Mazwi eBantu

[chinjirudza |chinjirudza mabviro]
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