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Dance robot, Dance!

Featuring great procedural chiptunes byQuietGecko, amazing pixelart bymapedorr, an optimized palette-based sprite renderer designed by slashie, all crazily packaged in 13KB zipped, using tech made by js13k's 2016 winneragar3s. Then all of us tried to make a fun game around it :) More info about how it came to be inslashie's devlog

Find the rhythm within your circuits and beat the five super P.U.L.S.E. robot masters in head-to-head dance stand-offs!

Make moves to the music beats to score points, the more varied they are the more bonus points you will obtain.

Fill the energy bar before your opponent to win his respect!


  • S - Flip Left Arm
  • D - Turn Head Left
  • K - Turn Head Right
  • L - Flip Right Arm
  • Spacebar - Slide left or right


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Interesting game! Though I don't quite understand what I'm doing. I managed to win a round by pressing buttons randomly on the beat, but it's not clear to me what the strategy is supposed to be  (other than staying on beat).

yeah, basically that's what it's about. Staying to the beat doing "different" moves (but doesn't matter much what sequence, just that they are varied). We didn't get to dive a lot into the gameplay and I'll always lament it.·View all by Slashie·Report·Embed

