Harold Pinter |
Rojstvo | 10. oktober1930({{padleft:1930|4|0}}-{{padleft:10|2|0}}-{{padleft:10|2|0}})[1][2][…] London,Združeno kraljestvo[4] |
Smrt | 24. december2008({{padleft:2008|4|0}}-{{padleft:12|2|0}}-{{padleft:24|2|0}})[5][1][…](78 let) London,Združeno kraljestvo[4][6] |
Državljanstvo | Združeno kraljestvo |
Poklic | dramatik,igralec,filmski režiser,scenarist,pisatelj,gledališki režiser,pesnik,romanopisec, režiser |
Harold Pinter,angleškidramatik,pesnik,igralec,scenarist,pisatelj inpolitični aktivist; *10. oktober1930, †25. december2008.
Pinter je eden glavnih predstavnikovdramatike 20. stoletja. Številna njegova dela uvrščamo vabsurdno gledališče. Leta 2005 je prejelNobelovo nagrado za književnost kot najbolj reprezentativen britanski dramatik druge polovice dvajsetega stoletja.
Napisal je tudi več priredb za gledališča, Proustovega delaIskanje izgubljenega časa inscenarijev za filme.
- The Room (1957)
- The Birthday Party (1957)
- The Dumb Waiter (Jašek) (1957)
- A Slight Ache (1958)
- The Hothouse (1958)
- The Caretaker (1959)
- Sketches (1959)
- The Black and White
- Trouble in the Works
- Last to Go
- Request Stop
- Special Offer
- That's Your Trouble
- That's All
- Interview
- Applicant
- Dialogue Three
- A Night Out (1959)
- Night School (1960)
- The Dwarfs (1960)
- The Collection (1961)
- The Lover (1962)
- Tea Party (1964)
- The Homecoming (1964)
- The Basement (1966)
- Landscape (Pokrajina) (1967)
- Silence (1968)
- Sketch:Night (1969)
- Old Times (Njega dni) (1970)
- Monologue (1972)
- No Man's Land (1974)
- Betrayal (1978)
- Family Voices (1980)
- Victoria Station (Postaja Viktorija) (1982)
- A Kind of Alaska (1982)
- Sketch:Precisely (1983)
- One For the Road (1984)
- Mountain Language (1988)
- The New World Order (1991)
- Party Time (1991)
- Moonlight (1993)
- Ashes to Ashes (V prah se povrneš) (1996)
- Celebration (1999)
- Sketch:Press Conference (2002)
- Kullus (1949)
- The Dwarfs (1952-56)
- Latest Reports from the Stock Exchange (1953)
- The Black and White (1954-55)
- The Examination (1955)
- Tea Party (1963)
- The Coast (1975)
- Problem (1976)
- Lola (1977)
- Short Story (1995)
- Girls (1995)
- Sorry About This (1999)
- God's District (1997)
- Tess (2000)
- Voices in the Tunnel (2001)
- Poems (1971)
- I Know the Place (1977)
- Poems and Prose 1949-1977 (1978)
- Ten Early Poems (1990)
- Collected Poems and Prose (1995)
- "The Disappeared" and Other Poems (2002)
- War (2003)
- The Caretaker (1963)
- The Servant (1963)
- The Pumpkin Eater (1963)
- The Compartment (1963)
- The Quiller Memorandum (1965)
- Accident (1966)
- The Birthday Party (1967)
- The Go-Between (1969)
- The Homecoming (1969)
- Langrishe, Go Down (1970)
- The Proust Screenplay (1972)
- The Last Tycoon (1974)
- The French Lieutenant's Woman (1980)
- Betrayal (1981)
- Victory (1982)
- Turtle Diary (1984)
- The Handmaid's Tale (1987)
- Reunion (1988)
- The Heat of the Day (1988)
- The Comfort of Strangers (1989)
- Party Time (1992)
- The Trial (1993)
- Lolita (1994)
- The Dreaming Child (1997)
- The Tragedy of King Lear (2000)
- Sleuth
Zadnja leta je bilo v Sloveniji uprizorjenih več Pinterjevihdramskih del, kot so:
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Biografski slovarji | |
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Drugo | |