


SKnet エスケイネット
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      Corporate Profile



      Company Name SKnet corporation
      President Kanuru Seno
      Head Office3F, Fontarna Shin-Yokohama
      2-17-2 Shin-yokohama, Kouhoku-ku
      Yokohama City, Kanagawa ,Japan 222-0033
      TEL : +81-45-470-0183
      FAX : +81-45-470-3609
      Branch Sknet Corp. Taiwan Branch (Japan)
      9F-1, No. 700, Jungjeng Rd.,Junghe Dist, New Taipei City,Taiwan.23552
      TEL : +886-2-82280520
      FAX : +886-2-82280530
      Established June , 1995
      Capital 60 million yen
      Employees 52 (contained:Taiwan branch and Singapore cooperation company)
      Products & Service Development and Sales of the computer peripherals
      System consulting
      Development of software

      OEM design service

      Sknet Corporation is a video-centric products developer and manufacturer.
      We can offer software, device driver and hardware development service.

      For product customization and OEM deals.
      Please contact us to following address.

      Contacut us

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      SKnet corporation

