GitHub Skills
Learn how to use GitHub with interactive courses designed for beginners and experts.
Start withIntroduction to GitHubOur courses
First day on GitHub
Introduction to GitHub
Get started using GitHub in less than an hour.
Communicate using Markdown
Organize ideas and collaborate using Markdown, a lightweight language for text formatting.
GitHub Pages
Create a site or blog from your GitHub repositories with GitHub Pages.
First week on GitHub
Review pull requests
Collaborate and work together on GitHub.
Resolve merge conflicts
Learn why conflicts happen and how to resolve them.
Release-based workflow
Practice a release-based workflow and explore branching strategies.
Connect the dots
Find relevant conversations, commits, and projects in a repository.
Code with Codespaces
Develop code using GitHub Codespaces and Visual Studio Code.
Take flight with GitHub Copilot
Getting Started with GitHub Copilot
Learn, build, debug, and ship faster than ever with your favorite AI pair programmer.
Your first extension for GitHub Copilot
Teach GitHub Copilot about your industry, lingo, and company processes.
Automate workflows with GitHub Actions
Hello GitHub Actions
Create a GitHub Action and use it in a workflow.
Test with Actions
Create workflows that enable you to use Continuous Integration (CI) for your projects.
Publish packages
Use GitHub Actions to publish your project to a Docker image.
Deploy to Azure
Create a deployment workflow using GitHub Actions and Microsoft Azure.
Write JavaScript actions
Write your own GitHub JavaScript Action.
Reusable workflows
Make a workflow reusable in other workflows.
Code security and analysis
Secure your repository supply chain
Secure your supply chain, patch dependency vulnerabilities.
Secure code game
Learn about software security in a fun, educational environment.
Introduction to CodeQL
Learn how to enable CodeQL to secure your code.
Change commit history
A skills course on changing the commit history with Git.
Introduction to secret scanning
Enable secret scanning and take a feature tour.
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