Mike Resnick , celý menomMichael Diamond Resnick (*5. marec 1942 ,Chicago ,Illinois ,USA – †9. január 2020 [ 1] ) bol americký spisovateľscience fiction a šéfredaktor časopisuJim Baen's Universe .[ 2]
Ako rodák z Chicaga navštevovalUniversity of Chicago v rokoch1959 až1961 . Tu spoznal aj svoju budúcu manželku Carol L. Cain[ 3] s ktorou sa vzali v roku1961 .
V období šesťdesiatych a sedemdesiatych rokoch napísal viac ako 200 "dospeláckych" románov (pod rôznymypseudonym )ami,[ 4] vydával sedembulvárnych novín a tri pánske časopisy. Viac ako jednu dekádu písal raz za týždeň stĺpček ojazdectve a jedenásť rokov prispieval mesačne stĺpčekom o čistokrvných kóliách, ktoré spoločne so ženou chovali a vystavovali na rôznych súťažiach. Jeho manželka Carol je tiež spisovateľkou, tak ako aj ich dcéraLaura , ktorá vyhrala cenu Johna W.Campbella pre najlepšieho nováčika v science fiction v roku1993 .[ 5]
The Goddess of Ganymede (1967) Pursuit on Ganymede (1968) Redbeard (1969) Battlestar Galactica #5: Galactica Discovers Earth (with Glen Larson) (1980) The Soul Eater (1981) Birthright The Book of Man (1982) Walpurgis III (1982)Sideshow (1982) The Three-Legged Hootch Dancer (1983) The Wild Alien Tamer (1983) The Best Rootin' Tootin' Shootin' Gunslinger in the Whole Damned Galaxy (1983) The Branch (1984) Eros Ascending (1984) Eros at Zenith (1984) Eros Descending (1985) Adventures (1985) Eros at Nadir (1986) Santiago: Mýtus z Daleké Budoucnosti (Santiago: a Myth of the Far Future ) (1986)Stalking the Unicorn (1987) The Dark Lady (1987) Ivory (1988) Paradise (1989) Second Contact (1990) The Red Tape War (with Jack L. Chalker & George Alec Effinger) (1991) Věštkyne (Soothsayer ) (1991)Orákulum (Oracle ) (1992)Lucifer Jones (1992) Purgatory (1992) Exploits (1993) Prorok (Prophet ) (1993)Inferno (1993) A Miracle of Rare Design (1994) Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge (1994) Encounters (1994) Dog in the Manger (mystery) (1995) The Widowmaker (1996) The Widowmaker Reborn (1997) The Widowmaker Unleashed (1998) Kirinyaga (1998)A Hunger in the Soul (1998) The Outpost (2001) Návrat Santiaga (The Return of Santiago ) (2003)Lara Croft: The Amulet of Power (2003) Lady With an Alien (2005) A Gathering of Widowmakers (2005) Dragon America (2005) Starship: Mutiny (2005) A Club in Montmartre (2006) Starship: Pirate (2006) World Behind the Door (2007) Starship: Mercenary (2007) Stalking the Vampire (2008) Kilimanjaro (2008) Starship: Rebel (2008) Hazards (2009) Stalking the Dragon (2009) Shaka II (2009) Starship: Flagship (2009) The Buntline Special (2010) The Gods of Sagittarius (with Eric Flint) (2012) The Cassandra Project (with Jack McDevitt) (2012) The Doctor and the Kid (2011) Unauthorized Autobiographies (1984) Through Darkest Resnick With Gun and Camera (1990) Stalking the Wild Resnick (1991) Pink Elephants and Hairy Toads (1991) The Alien Heart (1991) Will the Last Person to Leave the Planet Please Shut Off the Sun? (1992) A Safari of the Mind (1995) Solo Flights Through Shared Worlds (1996) An Alien Land (1998) Magic Feathers: The Mike and Nick Show (with Nick DiChario) (2000) In Space No One Can Hear You Laugh Hunting the Snark and Other Stories (2002) With a Little Help From My Friends (2002) New Dreams for Old (2006) The Other Teddy Roosevelts (2008) Dreamwish Beasts and Snarks (2009) Blasphemy (2010) Masters of the Galaxy (2011) Shaggy B.E.M. Stories (1988) Alternate Presidents (1992) Alternate Kennedys (1992) Inside the Funhouse (1992) Aladdin: Master of the Lamp (with Martin H. Greenberg) (1992) Whatdunnits (1992) More Whatdunnits (1993) Alternate Warriors (1993) Future Earths: Under African Skies (with Gardner Dozois) (1993) Future Earths: Under South American Suns (with Gardner Dozois) (1993) Christmas Ghosts (1993) Dinosaur Fantastic (with Martin H. Greenberg) (1993) By Any Other Fame (1994) Deals With the Devil (with Loren D. Estleman) (1994) Alternate Outlaws (1994) Alternate Worldcons (1994) Witch Fantastic (1995) Sherlock Holmes in Orbit (1995) Again, Alternate Worldcons (1996) Girls for the Slime God (1997) Alternate Tyrants (1997)Alternate Skiffy (1997) Return of the Dinosaurs (1997) Women Writing Science Fiction as Men (2003) Men Writing Science Fiction as Women (2003) Stars (with Janis Ian) (2003) New Voices in Science Fiction (2003) I, Alien (2005) Down These Dark Spaceways (2005) This is My Funniest (2006) Space Cadets (2006) The Worldcon Guest of Honor Speeches (with Joe Siclari) (2006) Alien Crimes (2007) Nebula Awards Showcase, 2007 (2007) This is My Funniest 2 (2007) History Revisited (with J. David Markham) (2008) The Dragon Done It (with Eric Flint) (2008) The Best of Jim Baen's Universe #2 (with Eric Flint) (2008) When Diplomacy Fails (with Eric Flint) (2008) “The Last Dog” “Blue” “Beachcomber” “Watching Marcia” “The Olympians” “Me and My Shadow” “The Fallen Angel” “God and Mr. Slatterman” “The Inn of the Hairy Toad” “Stalking the Unicorn with Gun and Camera” “The Toymaker and the General” “King of the Blue Planet” “Kirinyaga” “His Award-Winning Science Fiction Story” “Beibermann’s Soul” “Death is an Acquired Trait” “The Crack in the Cosmic Egg” “Inquiry Into the Auction of the U.S.A.” “For I Have Touched the Sky” “Slice of Life” “Balance” “Bwana” “Neutral Ground” “How I Wrote the New Testament, Brought Forth the Renaissance, and Birdied the 17th Hole at Pebble Beach" “Was It Good For You, Too?” “The Manamouki” “One Perfect Morning, With Jackals” “Frankie the Spook” “Posttime in Pink” “Museum Piece” “Origins” “The Nine Lives of Isaac Intrepid” (with Lou Tabakow) “Pawns” “Bully!” “Except from the Diary of Dr. Morris Finkelstein” “Song oof a Dry River” “Winter Solstice” “A Little Night Music” “Monsters of the Midway” “The Bull Moose at Bay” “Mrs. Hood Unloads” “Over There” “Revolt of the Sugar Plum Fairies” “Classified” “Malish” “Trading Up” (with Barbara Delaplace) “Will the Last Person to Leave the Planet Please Shut off the Sun?” “Editor Meacham and the Fate Worse Than Death” “The Light That Blinds, the Claws That Catch” “The Lotus and the Spear” “The Pale Thin God” “Lady in Waiting” “The B Team” “Every Man a God” (with Barry N. Malzberg) “The Trials and Tribulations of Myron Blumberg, Dragon” “The Blue-Nosed Reindeer” “Mwalimu in the Squared Circle” “Ghosts” (with Barry N. Malzberg) “Stop Press” “Stanley the Eighteen-Percenter” “Genesis: The Rejected Canon” “The Summer of my Discontent” “Super Acorns” (with Lawrence Schimel) “The Tarnished Diamond” “Birdie” (with Nick DiChario) “Barnaby in Exile” “A Little Knowledge” “Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge” “Alien Radio” (with Nick DiChario) “Pleasantly Pink” (with Nick DiChario) “The Adventure of the Pearly Gates” “Working Stiff” (with Nick DiChario) “My Girl” “The Kemosabee” “Metamorphosis” “The Most Beautiful Girl Alive” (with Nick DiChario) “Squonking” (with Nick DiChario) “The Sweet, Sad Love Song of Fred and Wilma” (with Nick DiChario) “The Shiksa” (with Lawrence Schimel) “How Jerry Phipps Won His Hugo” “disILLUSIONS” (with Lawrence Schimel) “When the Old Gods Die” “The Land of Nod” “Darker Than You Wrote” “Merdinus” (with Linda Dunn) “Heart of Stone” (with Lyn Nichols) “Mrs. Vamberry Takes a Trip” “Bibi” (with Susan Shwartz) “The Joy of Hats” (with Nick DiChario) “The Starving Children of Mars” (with Louise Rowder) “The Roosevelt Dispatches” “Card Shark” “The Gefilte Fish Girl” “My Brother’s Keeper” (with Jack Nimbersheim) “A Limerick History of Science Fiction” “Of Flame and Air” (with Josepha Sherman) “The Arrows of Godly Passion” (with Nick DiChario) “Sagittarius Rising” (with Ann Marston) “The Fighting 35th Last Stand at the Delores Proud Apple School for the Blind” (with Nick DiChario) “Fascinatin’ Rhythm” (with Nick iChario) “The 43 Antarrean Dynasties” “Stan” (with Ron Collins) “Me and Galahad” (with Adrienne Gormley) “Interview with the Almighty” “A Buzzard Named Rabinowitz” “Hothouse Flowers” “Why Martians are Attracted to Big-Breasted Women” “Hunting the Snark” “Full Circle” (with Kristine Kathryn Rusch) “Boot Hill” (with Catherine Asaro) “The Elephants on Neptune” “Redchapel” “Even Butterflies Can Sting” “Ocean’s Eleven” (with Tom Gerencer) “Nicobar Lane: The Soul Eater’s Story” “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” “Like Father, Like Son” (with B.J. Galler-Smith) “Like Small Feet Following” (with Robyn Herrington) “The Chinese Sandman” “Flower Children of Mars” (with M. Shayne Bell) “The Shackles of Freedom” (with Tobias S. Buckell) “The Demons of Jupiter’s Moons” (with Dean Wesley Smith) “Approaching Sixty” (with Barry Malzberg) “Water-Skiing Down the Styx” (with Janis Ian) “The Amorous Broom” “Reflections in Black Granite” (with Michael A. Burstein) “Dobchek: Lost in the Funhouse” (with Kay Kenyon) “Robots Don’t Cry” “The Burning Spear at Twilight” “Here’s Looking at You, Kid” “Unsafe at Any Speed” “Society’s Goy” “Swimming Upstream in the Wells of the Desert” (with Susan B. Matthews) “Travels With My Cats” “Me” “El Presidente” “Game Face” (with Robert Sheckley) “Keepsakes” “The Boy Who Cried ‘Dragon!’” “The Island of Annoyed Souls” “A Princess of Earth” “Cobbling Together a Solution” “Down Memory Lane” “Guardian Angel” “The One That Got Away” “A Muse with Burning Eyes” (with B. D. Faw) “Before the Beginning” (with Harry Turtledove) “Nowhere in Particular” “The God Biz” “The Hermit of thje Skies” (with Paul Crilley) “Two Hunters in Manhattan” “Prevenge” (with Kevin J. Anderson) “Catastrophe Baker and the Cold Equations” “Harry, Larry, Barry & Frankie” “Occupational Hazard” “Great Unrported Breakthroughs #163” “A Small Skirmish in the Culture War” (with James Patrick Kelly) “Solomon’s Choice” (with Nancy Kress) “Distant Replay” “Jellyfish” (with David Gerrold) “All the Things You Are” “The Big Guy” “Visitor’s Night at Joey Chicago’s” “Chartreuse Mansions” “A Locked-Planet Mystery” “The Long and Short of It” “Shell Game” “Honorable Enemies” “Monuments in Flesh and Stone” “The Lost Continent of Moo” “Alastair Baffle’s Emporium of Wonders” “Carnival Knowledge” “Sluggo” “The Last Actor” (with Linda Donahue) “Merry Bunta!” “The Hex is In” “A Jaguar Never Changes Its Stripes” “A Better Mousetrap” “Christmas Eve at Harvey Wallbanger’s” “A Very Special Girl” “A Most Unusual Greyhound” “Not Quite Alone in the Dream Quarter” (with Pat Cadigan) “Snatch as Snatch Can” “Kilimanjaro” “Best in Show” “Connoisseurs” “Spring Training” “Inescapable” “A Four-Sided Triangle” “The Forgotten Kingdom” “Mother Scorpion’s House of Fallen Flowers” “Idle Roomer” (with Lezli Robyn) “The Paternal Flame” “Catastrophe Baker and a Canticle for Leibowitz” “Article of Faith” “A Very Formal Affair” “Soulmates” (with Lezli Robyn) “If the Frame Fits…” “Benchwarmer” (with Lezli Robyn) “Shame” (with Lezli Robyn) “Shaka II” “On Safari” “The Bride of Frankenstein” “Heads and Tails in Paradise” “Harboring Pearls” “The Blimp and Sixpence” “Report from the Field” (with Lezli Robyn) "The Foundling" "Weekdays" "The Close Shave" (with Lezli Robyn) "Royal Bloodlines" "Observation Post" "The Incarceration of Captain Nebula" "King and Mrs. Kong" "El and Al vs. Himmler's Horrendous Hordes from Hell" "Six Blind Men and an Alien" "A Weighty Affair" "Dark Doings at the Field Museum of Natural Mystery" "The Second Civil War" ↑ obituary ↑ DAVIDSON, Steve.Mike Resnick [online]. 28 April 2013.Dostupné online. ↑ Resnick, Michael D(iamond) 1942- [online]. [Cit. 2011-11-03].Dostupné online. ↑ How I Single-Handedly Destroyed the Sex Book Field for Five Years and Never Even Got a Thank-You Note from the Legion of Decency [online]. .Dostupné online. ↑ In Legend Born [online]. Publishers Weekly, [cit. 2018-12-09].Dostupné online. Tento článok je čiastočný alebo úplný preklad článkuMike Resnick na anglickej Wikipédii.