GeoFlow Collaboration
The Geometry and Flow of Quantum Information: From Quantum Gravity to Quantum Technology
The Geometry and Flow of Quantum Information: From Quantum Gravity to Quantum Technology
Raphael Bousso (lead PI), Ehud Altman, Crystal Noel, Patrick Hayden,Luca Iliesiu,Christopher Monroe, Vedika Khemani, Yasunori Nomura, Geoff Penington, Monika Schleier-Smith, Brian Swingle, Norman Yao
Raphael Bousso (lead PI), Ehud Altman, Crystal Noel, Patrick Hayden,Luca Iliesiu,Christopher Monroe, Vedika Khemani, Yasunori Nomura, Geoff Penington, Monika Schleier-Smith, Brian Swingle, Norman Yao
Recent events
Recent events
Collaboration Meeting, Mar 13, 2023, UC Berkeley (In Person)
Summer Workshop, June/July 2022, Galileo Galilei Institute (In Person)
Collaboration Meeting, Mar 1, 2022, Stanford (In Person)
Collaboration Meeting, Sep 29, 2021, UC Berkeley (In Person)
Collaboration Meeting, April 23, 2021, Virtual
Collaboration Meeting, Jan 13, 2021, Virtual
Collaboration Meeting, Aug 24, 2020, Virtual
Collaboration Meeting, April 17, 2020, Virtual
Collaboration Meeting, Oct 28-29, 2019 Stanford University
West coast meeting, May 28, 2019, Stanford University
West coast meeting, Apr 25, 2019, UC Berkeley
West coast meeting, Jan 28, 2019, Stanford University