It is a medium-sizedanimal that makes aburrow by digging holes in theground. Wombats are usually around a metre (40 in) long when they are fully grown. It is a kind of animal known as amarsupial because it has apouch on its belly that holds its young, although it faces back instead of forward like most marsupials. Having the pouch face backwards prevents dirt from building up in the pouch and hitting the offspring in the face when digging. When its young are born they spend some time growing in their mother's pouch before going into the world. Wombats areherbivores. They eatplants,roots, andgrasses. They arenocturnal which means they sleep in theday and come out atnight. Some wombats have thick brownfur and very smallears. They can weigh from 20 to 35 kilograms (45 to 80 lb). They can live up to 7 years.
Wombats are commonly known and recognised by their waste products. They are the only knownmammals that excretefeces incubic shape. This lets people easily know when wombathabitats are nearby. It also tells simply what the wombat may have eaten by examining the feces thoroughly.