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Avisa (short for theLatincarta visa, lit. "the document having been seen") is apermit given by acountry that allows someone to go to that country. A visa is often a document that is stamped on a person'spassport by anembassy. It names the kind of visit and says how long the person can stay. Sometimes, people need to go through aninterview held at the embassy before they get a visa.
Many countries require foreign visitors to have a valid passport and a visa before they can enter the country, but there are exceptions.
Visas are associated with the request for permission to enter (or exit) a country, and are, for some countries, not the same as actual formal permission to enter and remain in the country.
Some countries, such asTurkey, require that their citizens, and sometimes foreign travelers, obtain anexit visa in order to be allowed to leave the country. Until 2004, foreign students inRussia were issued only an entry visa on being accepted to University there, and had to obtain an exit visa to return home. This policy has since been changed, and foreign students are now issued multiple entry (and exit) visas.
Visas may be granted on arrival or by prior application at the country'sembassy orconsulate, or sometimes through a specialized travel agency with permission from the issuing country in the country of departure. If there is no embassy or consulate in one's home country, then one would have to travel to a third country (or apply by post) and try to get a visa issued there. The need for a visa generally depends on the citizenship of the applicant, how long they plan to stay, and the activities that they may wish to do in the country he visits. These may result different formal categories of visas, with different issue conditions.
Some, but not all, countries have reciprocal visa regimes: if Country A requires citizens of Country B to have a visa to travel there, then Country B may require a visa from citizens of Country A. Likewise, if A allows B's citizens to enter without a visa, B may allow A's citizens to enter without a visa.
Examples of such reciprocal visa regimes are between:
People may have to pay for a visa; these are typically also reciprocal, so if country A charges country B's citizens 50USD for a visa, country B will often also charge the same amount for country A's visitors. The fee charged may also be at the discretion of each embassy. A similar reciprocity often applies to the duration of the visa (the period in which one is permitted to request entry of the country) and the number of entries one can attempt with the visa. Faster processing of the visa application for some countries will generally incur additional charges.
This reciprocal fee has become more common in recent years with the decision of the United States to charge nationals of various countries a $100 visa processing fee (non-refundable, even if a visa is not issued). A number of countries, includingBrazil,Chile, andTurkey have reciprocated. Brazil requires an advance visa before entry into the country, and that a US citizen befingerprinted and photographed on arrival—matching U.S. requirements for Brazilians and other foreigners.
The issuing authority, usually a branch of the country'sforeign ministry or department (e.g.U.S. State Department), and typically consular affairs officers, may want documents from the applicant. This may include proof that the applicant is able to support himself in the host country (lodging, food), proof that the person hosting the applicant in his or her home really exists and has sufficient room for hosting the applicant, proof that the applicant hashealth and evacuation insurance, etc. Some countries ask for proof of health status, especially for long-term visas; some countries deny visas to persons with certain illnesses, such asAIDS. The exact conditions depend on the country and category of visa. Notable examples of countries requiring HIV tests of long-term residents are Russia[4]Archived 2007-08-20 at theWayback Machine andUzbekistan.[5]Archived 2007-09-03 at theWayback Machine However, in Uzbekistan, the HIV test requirement is sometimes not strictly enforced.[6]Archived 2007-09-03 at theWayback Machine
Developed countries frequently demand strong evidence of intent to return to the home country, if the visa is for a temporary stay, and especially if the applicant is from adeveloping country, due toimmigration concerns.
The issuing authority may also require applicants to attest that they have had nocriminal convictions, or that they do not partake in certain activities (likeprostitution ordrug trafficking). Some countries will deny visas if the travellers' passports show evidence of citizenship or travel to a country which is not recognized by that country. For example,Saudi Arabia will not issue visas to nationals ofIsrael or those with evidence of visiting Israel.
Atransit visa, usually valid for 3 days or less, for passing through the country to a third destination.
Atourist visa, for a limited period of leisure travel, no business activities allowed. Some countries do not issue tourist visas.Saudi Arabia introduced tourist visas only in 2004 although it did (and still does) issuepilgrimage visas forHajj pilgrims.
Abusiness visa, for engaging incommerce in the country. These visas generally preclude permanent employment, for which a work visa would be required.
Atemporary worker visa, for approved employment in the host country. These are generally more difficult to obtain but valid for longer periods of time than a business visa. Examples of these are the United States'H-1B andL-1 visas.
Avisa on arrival, which is a visa granted immediately prior to entering the country, such as at anairport or border control post. This is distinct from not requiring a visa at all, as the visitor must still obtain the visa before they can even try to pass through immigration. The on-arrival visa usually is nothing more than an arrival tax, though the visitors can still be denied entry even with a visa.
Aspousal visa, granted to thespouse of a resident or citizen of a given country, in order to enable the couple to settle in that country. Examples include theUnited Kingdom'sEEA family permit.
Astudent visa, which allows its holder to study at an institution of higher learning in the issuing country. Students studying in Algeria, however, are issued tourist visas.[7]Archived 2007-06-10 at theWayback Machine
Aworking holiday visa, for individuals traveling between nations offering a working holiday programme, allowing young people to undertake temporary work while traveling. At least ten European countries allow work for non-EU students.[8]
Adiplomatic visa (sometimesofficial visa), which confersdiplomatic status on its holder and is normally only for bearers of diplomatic passports.
Acourtesy visa issued to representatives of foreign governments orinternational organizations who do not qualify fordiplomatic status but get expedited, courteous treatment. A courtesy visa does not normally confer privileges or immunities.
Ajournalist visa, which some countries require of people in that occupation when travelling for their respective news organizations. Countries which insist on this includeCuba,Iran,North Korea, Saudi Arabia, the United States (I-visaArchived 2007-07-11 at theWayback Machine andZimbabwe.
Afiancee visa, granted for a limited period prior to intended marriage based on a proven relationship with a citizen of the destination country. For example, aGerman woman who wishes to marry an American man would obtain a Fiancée Visa (also known as aK-1 visa) to allow her to enter the United States.
Animmigrant visa, granted for those intending to migrate to the issuing country. They usually are issued for a single journey as the holder will, depending on the country, later be issued a permanent resident identification card which will allow the traveller to enter to the issuing country an unlimited number of times. (for example, theUnited States Permanent Resident Card)...
Visas can also besingle-entry, which means the visa is cancelled as soon as the holder leaves the country,double-entry, ormultiple-entry, permitting multiple entries into the country with the same visa. Countries may also issuere-entry permits that allow temporarily leaving the country without invalidating the visa. Even a business visa will normally not allow the holder to work in the host country without an additionalwork permit.
Once issued, a visa will usually have to be used within a certain period of time.
The validity of a visa is not the same as the authorized period of stay in the issuing country. The visa validity usually indicates when the person can apply for entry to the country. For example, if a visa has been issued January 1st and expires March 30th, and the authorized period of stay in a country is 90 days, then the 90-day stay starts on the day the passenger reaches the country, which has to be between January 1st and March 30th. The traveller could therefore stay in the issuing country until June 1st.
Once in the country, the validity period of a visa or authorized stay can often be extended for a fee if the immigration authorities choose to do so. Staying longer than the period of authorized stay given by the immigration officers is consideredillegal immigration even if the visa validity period is not over (i.e. for multiple entry visas) and a form of being "out of status" and the offender may befined, prosecuted,deported, or evenblacklisted (banned) from entering the country again.
Entering a country without a valid visa or visa exemption may result in being arrested and removed from the country. Doing things that are not authorized by the status of entry (for example, working while having a non-worker tourist status) can result in the individual being deemed removable, in common speech anillegal alien. Such violation is not a violation of a visa, despite the common misuse of the phrase, but a violation of status, hence the term "out of status."
Even having a visa does not guarantee that somebody can enter a host country. The border crossing authorities make the final determination to allow entry, and may cancel a visa at the border if the alien cannot demonstrate to their satisfaction that they will abide by the status their visa grants them.
Visa andimmigration laws are very different among countries. People are advised to check with immigration lawyers for visa and immigration laws governing the countries they wish to enter and eligibility to receive visas or other immigration benefits.
Some countries allow the holder of a visa to apply to stay longer in that country. For example, inDenmark a visa holder can apply to the Danish Immigration Service for aResidence Permit after they have arrived in the Country. In theUnited Kingdom applications can be made to theBorder and Immigration Agency. In other countries it is not possible to do this. In such cases, the holder often engages in what is known as a visa run; leaving the country for a short period in order to apply for a new visa prior to their return or so that they can be given a fresh permission to stay when they re-enter.
Possession of a valid visa is a condition for entry into many countries. Exemption schemes do exist. Visa-free entry may be granted to holders of diplomatic passports. (see:Passport).
Some countries havereciprocal agreements such that a visa is not needed under certain conditions, e.g. when the visit is fortourism and for a relatively short period. One example of this is theVisa Waiver Program of the United States. Such reciprocal agreements may stem from common membership in international organizations or a shared heritage:
All citizens ofECOWAS member states, excluding those defined by law as undesirable aliens, may enter and stay without a visa in any member state for a maximum period of 90 days. The only requirement is a valid travel document and international vaccination certificates.[3]
Other countries may also unilaterally grant visa-free entry to nationals of certain countries to encouragetourism.
Visa-free travel between countries also occurs where passports are not needed for such travel.(For examples of passport-free travel, seeInternational travel without passports.)
Normally, visas are valid for entry only into the country which issued the visa. Countries that are members ofregional organizations or party to regional agreements may however issue visas valid for entry into some or all of the member states of the organization or agreement:
theSchengen Visa may be the best-known example of a common visa. This visa has it origins in the 1985Schengen Agreement among European states which allows for a common policy on the temporary entry of persons (including visas). The visa allows a tourist or visitor access to the area covered by the agreement (known as the “Schengen area” or “Schengenland”). Citizens of non-EU, non-EEA countries who wish to visit Europe as tourists, and who require a visa to enter the Schengen area, are simply required to get the common Schengen Visa from the Embassy/Consulate of any of the Schengen countries. They may visit any or all of the Schengen countries as tourists or for business without hindrance. They are not required to get separate visas for the Schengen countries they wish to visit.[7][8][9][10]
theCARICOM Visa was introduced in late 2006 and allowed visitors to travel between 10CARICOM member states (Antigua & Barbuda,Barbados,Dominica,Grenada,Guyana,Jamaica,St. Kitts & Nevis,St. Lucia,St. Vincent & the Grenadines andTrinidad & Tobago). These 10 member countries had agreed to form a "Single Domestic Space" in which travellers would only have their passport stamped and have to submit completed, standardized entry and departure forms at the first port and country of entry. The CARICOM Visa could be obtained from the Embassies/Consulates of Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago and in countries which have no CARICOM representatives, the applications forms could be obtained from the Embassies/Consulates of the United Kingdom. The common visa was only for the duration of theCricket World Cup and was discontinued on May 15, 2007. However, discussions are ongoing into instituting a revised CARICOM visa on a permanent basis in the future.
theCentral American Single Visa (Visa Única Centroamericana) was implemented by the CA-4 agreement betweenGuatemala,El Salvador,Honduras, andNicaragua. It is required for citizens of all other countries, eliminating the need for separate entry visas for each of the countries. Persons entering the region on Type "B" visas can enter the area through any Port of Entry. Persons entering on Type "C" visas (issued through prior consultation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) must enter through a Port of Entry in the country that issued the visa. Once a person has been admitted, they may travel onto any of the other countries and are allowed to stay through the date authorized at the original Port of Entry.
AnEast African Single Tourist Visa has been up for approval by the relevant sectoral authorities under theEast African Community integration programme. The visa would be valid for all three partner states:Kenya,Tanzania andUganda. Under the proposal for the visa, any new East African single visa can be issued by any partner state's embassy. The visa proposal followed an appeal by the tourist boards of the partner states for a common visa to accelerate promotion of the region as a single tourist destination.[11] When approved by the East African council of ministers, tourists could apply for one country's entry visa which would then be applicable in all regional member states as a single entry requirement initiative.[12]
TheSADC UNIVISA (orUnivisa) has been in development sinceSADC members signed a Protocol on the Development of Tourism in 1998. The Protocol outlined the Univisa as an objective so as to enable the international and regional entry and travel of visitors to occur as smoothly as possible.[13] It was expected to become operational by the end of 2002.[14] Its introduction was delayed and a new implementation date, the end of 2006, was announced.[15] However, the SADC now aims to have the univisa system in place by 2008, before the2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa.[16][17][18][19][20] It is now expected that when the Univisa is implemented, that it will apply to non SADC international (long-haul) tourists travelling to and within the region and that it will encourage multi - destination travel within the region.[13] It is also anticipated that the univisa will unlock the tourism potential of transfrontier parks by lowering the boundaries between neighbouring countries in the parks. The visa is expected to be valid for all the countries with transfrontier parks (Botswana,Lesotho,Mozambique,Namibia,South Africa andZimbabwe) and some other SADC countries (Angola andSwaziland).[20]