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Female urethra and male urethra

Theurethra is atube that connects thebladder to the outside of the body. Allmammals have it. It allows the removal ofurine from thebody. There is a muscle (theurethral sphincter) which controlsurination.

Inmale mammals, the urethra is also a part of thereproductive system, because males use it as a tube forsperm duringsex.

Human anatomy

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Human male and female urinary bladders and urethras

In humananatomy, men have longer urethras than women. This means that women have bladderinfections more often because their bladders are closer to the outside. Because the male urethra is longer and is not straight,inserting acatheter (tube to help urination) is more difficult in men.

Detailed view of a human vulva (with anatomical features described): 1 - Clitoral Hood, 2. Clitoris, 3. Labia majora, 4.Urinary opening, 5. Labia minora, 6. Anus, 7. Vaginal opening, 8. Perineum

In women, the urethra is 3-4 cm (1.5 in) long. It's opening to the outside of the body is part of thevulva (the area between a woman's legs). The female urethra is between theclitoris and the opening to thevagina. Men's urethra goes through their penis, but in women, it is not in the clitoris.

A male urethra cut open along on all its length with urinary bladder and penis structure

In men, the urethra is about 20 cm (8 in) long and its opening to the outside of the body is at the end of thepenis.The male urethra has three sections:

  • Theprostatic urethra crosses theprostate gland. Thevas deferens also opens into the urethra in this section.
  • Themembranous urethra is a short section that goes through the urethral sphincter. It is 1 or 2 cm long and is thenarrowest (least wide) part of the urethra.
  • Thespongy orpenile urethra goes through the penis on its lower side. This section is 15-16 cm (6 in) long and goes through thecorpus spongiosum.

Medical problems

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  • Urethritis is an infection of the urethra. It often causes pain when urinating.
  • Kidney stones that go through the urethra can cause a lot of pain.

Medical procedures

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  • To send a tube up the urethra to help drain urine is a common type ofcatheterization.
  • To send a tube up the urethra to see the inside of the bladder is calledcystoscopy.

Urinary system(edit)
Kidneys |Ureters |Urinary bladder |Urethral sphincters |Urethra
Female anatomy
Female physiology
Male anatomy
Male physiology
Anatomy is the study of the parts of the body •Physiology is the study of how the body works
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