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TheTlingit are aNative American group from thePacific Northwest. They live in theUnited States (in the state ofAlaska) and inCanada (British Columbia andYukon). They speak theTlingit language. In their language, Tlingit means "people of the tides."

The Tlingit get their food through hunting, gathering, and fishing. They are a matrilineal society. That means property is passed down from a mother to her children.

The Tlingit practiced slavery extensively until it was outlawed by the United States.[1]


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The Tlingit organized themselves into tribes, which they calledḴwáan.

Tribes orḴwáan

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Tlingit tribeTranslationVillage or Community locationEnglish names
G̱alyáx̱ ḴwáanSalmon Stream TribeYakataga-Controller Bay areaKaliakh
Xunaa ḴáawuTribe or People from the Direction of the North WindHoonahHoonah people
S'awdáan ḴwáanFrom S'oow (jade) daa (around), aan (land/country/village) because the bay is the color of jade all around.SumdumSumdum
Tʼaḵjik.aan Ḵwáan:Coast Town Tribenorthern Prince of Wales IslandTuxekan
Laax̱aayík Kwáan:Inside the Glacier PeopleYakutat areaYakutat
Tʼaaḵu Ḵwáan:Geese Flood Upriver TribeTakuTaku Tlingit, Taku people
Xutsnoowú (a.k.a. Xudzidaa) ḴwáanBrown Bear Fort a.k.a. Burnt Wood TribeAngoonHootchenoo people, Hoochenoo, Kootznahoo
Hinyaa ḴwáanTribe From Across The WaterKlawockHenya
G̱unaax̱oo ḴwáanAmong The Athabascans TribeDry BayGunahoo people, Dry Bay people
Deisleen Ḵwáan:Big Sinew TribeTeslinTeslin Tlingit, Teslin people, Inland Tlinkit
Shee Tʼiká (a.k.a. Sheetʼká) ḴwáanOutside Edge of a Branch TribeSitkaSitka, Shee Atika
Shtaxʼhéen ḴwáanBitter Water TribeWrangellStikine people, Stikine Tlingit
Jilḵáat ḴwáanFrom Chaal (food cache) xhaat (salmon) khwaan (dwellers): "Salmon Cache Tribe"KlukwanChilkat people
Áa Tlein ḴwáanBig Lake TribeAtlinTaku River Tlingit, Inland Tlinkit
Ḵéex̱ʼ KwáanThe Opening of the Day (Dawn) Tribe a.k.a. The Town That Never SleepsKakeKake people
Taantʼa ḴwáanSea Lion TribeFort Tongass (formerly) & Ketchikan (today)Tongass people
Jilḵoot ḴwáanChilkoot TribeHainesChilkoot people
Áakʼw ḴwáanSmall Lake TribeAuke BayAuke people
Kooyu ḴwáanStomach TribeKuiu IslandKuiu people
Saanyaa ḴwáanSouthward TribeCape Fox Village (formerly) & Saxman (today)Saanya Kwaan, owns Saxman Corporation, which owns Cape Fox Corporation


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The Tlingit have a very rich culture. They are famous for their totem poles. They incorporate art in every part of their lives. Their art has deep spiritual meaning.

Philosophy and religion

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The Tlingit didn't write down their beliefs, but they do have a very complex philosophy on how they view the world.

They wereanimists. Theirshamans did many things, such as curing diseases, helping hunters, and protecting people from evil.

In the 1880s, many Tlingit began to convert to Orthodox Christianity, which was introduced by the Russians. They clung to the Orthodox religion as Americans and Canadians came onto their land.

Today, young Tlingit are turning back to their traditional beliefs in order to regain a sense of identity as Tlingit.


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The Tlingit have their own language, the Tlingit language. Their language has a very complex grammar and uses sounds that almost no other languages use.

However, most of them now speak English.


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The Tlingit made their houses from cedar wood.


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The Tlingit harvest food from the sea.

They also enjoy eating berries and meat from land animals.

Famous Tlingit people

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  • Yeilxaak (unknown-1791), the first chief of Klukwan to be encountered by Europeans
  • X'unéi (unknown), a powerful Yakutat chief that went to war against Yeilxaak
  • Shotridge (1817–1887), a powerful chief and leader of the Chilkat Tlingits
  • Louis Shotridge (1883–1937), a Tlingit nobleman and American art collector, a grandson of the chief Shotridge
  • K'alyaan (1773-unknown), a chief and leader who led the Tlingits against the Russians at the Battle of Sitka
  • Debra Lekanoff, member of Washington State Legislature 2018
  • Nora Marks Dauenhauer (1927–2017), poet, author, and scholar
  • Byron Mallott (b. 1943), Lieutenant Governor of Alaska (2014–2018)
  • Larry McNeil (b. 1955), photographer
  • Tillie Paul (1863–1952), civil rights advocate and educator
  • William Paul (1885–1977), attorney
  • Elizabeth Peratrovich (1911–1958), civil rights advocate
  • Clarissa Rizal (1956–2016), Chilkat and Ravenstail weaver
  • Walter Soboleff (1908–2011), scholar, elder, and religious leader
  • Preston Singletary (b. 1963), glass artist
  • Jennie Thlunaut (ca. 1891–1986), Chilkat weaver
  • Ernestine Hayes (b. 1945), poet, memorist, and professor
  • Dino Rossi (b. 1959), politician
  • Martin Sensmeier (b. 1985), actor


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  1. "NEWS_Blog_Slavery_QA | Sealaska Heritage" Retrieved2022-04-06.[permanent dead link]
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