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Ancient bronze bust, known asPseudo-Seneca. This is now believed to be an imaginative portrait of Hesiod.[1]
TheTheogony (Greek:Θεογονία,Theogonía, the birth of thegods) is apoem byHesiod. It was written in the 8th or 7th century BC, and uses the same dialect ofAncient Greek asHomer. This dialect is known asEpic dialect today. With the exception of theIlliad and theOdyssey, the Theogony is the oldest known source of Greekmythology.
The poem is asynthesis of different Greek stories and traditions. It is a story that tells how the gods came to be and how they established permanent control over the cosmos. It is the firstGreekmythicalcosmogony. In the beginning, the state of the universe ischaos - a dark indefinite void. Everything else appeared from divine chaos.