Shooting is when arifle,shotgun or other weapons which fire aprojectile, such asbows orcrossbows, are fired. Even the firing ofartillery,rockets andmissiles can be called shooting. A person who is very good at shooting is amarksman. Shooting can take place in a shooting range or in the field inhunting, inshooting sports or incombat. Shooting is also anOlympic sport.
Shooting is used forhunting birds such asgrouse orpheasant,rabbits etc. Sometimes "shooting" just means "hunting".
Shooting is also used inwarfare,self-defense,crime, andlaw enforcement. When someone commits mass shooting of innocent people, it is sometimes caused bymisanthropy – the hate ofmankind.
In several countries, rifle clubs have been made since the 19th century. Soon, international shooting events were started, including shooting at the Summer Olympics (from 1896) andInternational Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) World Shooting Championships (from 1897). The ISSF is in charge of Olympic and non-Olympicrifle,pistol andshotguncompetitions. However, there are also many national and international shootingsports which other groups are in charge of.
Inmost countries, those who want to use firearms need alicense. Firearms can usually be bought from registered shops.
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