Rapa orOparo is anisland inFrench Polynesia. It is sometimes called Rapa Iti to distinguish it from Rapa Nui (Easter Island).
The firstEuropean, who visited the island, was the captainGeorge Vancouver. He visited the island in1791. The island had an estimated population of about 2000 inhabitants. Fourtribes inhabited the island. There were many tribal wars on the island.
The Rapan people were converted toChristianity in1826, when six embassadors were sent fromTahiti. Soon after that some slaves were brought to Rapa. It caused anepidemy and in1867 the island's population had declined to about 120. Since late1800s, the island's population has steadily grown.
The main village of Rapa isHaurei. Nearly all inhabitants of Rapa are living in Haurei. TheBay of Haurei, which is on the western end of the island, is named after the village. The bay's original name was, however, "Oparo" or "Paro". Smaller villages include'Area.
Rapa's nearest inhabited neighbor island is more than five hundred kilometers away. Together withMarotiri and some smaller islets, Rapa forms theBass Islands. Marotiri is 46 miles away from Rapa.
To the southeast is the uninhabited isletMotu Tauturu.
Manymountains are in Rapa. The highest of them isMt. Perau (650 m). Rapa has a land area of forty km².
Rapa is 1240 kilometers away fromTahiti, the main island of French Polynesia.
Most inhabitants of Rapa arePolynesians. Polynesians are believed to inhabit the island in about 1000 BC.
Rapa has a population of 521 inhabitants (1996). Most of them arefishermen. The most spokenlanguage of the island isRapan. Most children and youth can also speakFrench.
Rapan is however anendangered language. It is sometimes considered to be adialect ofTubuaian.
The most common form of Rapanfolk music ishimene tarava. The bandThe Tahitian Choir is from Rapa and its songs are sung in the Rapan language.