Pseudopodia are temporary andcytoplasm-filled parts of thecell membrane that are able to change their form in order tomove. They are used in someeukaryoticcells to move around or to eat. Most cells that do this are calledamoeboids. Theamoeba is a common example.
The cell wall makes a network of fibers. The cytoplasm flows into the network and fills it up, similar to anet[disambiguation needed] filled withgelatin. This is able to move, lengthen, or shorten. The pseudopodia extends from the amoeba. Then the main part of the amoeba flows into that pseudopodia and the amoeba has changed its place.
Pseudopods are one of the threelocomotion modes ofunicellular organisms (together withflagella andcilia). Pseudopods can also captureprey byphagocytosis. Pseudopedia are used by some cells to move around. They can detect food and place it inside the cell. The humanwhite blood cell uses this way to get around.
Pseudopods can be classified into several varieties according to their appearance: