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Polder atNeßmersiel, Germany, aerial view (2012)The Zuiderzee in theNetherlands is a Polder. Old land is mostly green, new land is darker in color.
Empoldering is a method of reclaiming land from the sea or from inland lakes, and a way to controlfloods. Empoldering involves the use of a polder, a piece of land in a low-lying area that has been reclaimed from a body of water by building dikes anddrainagecanals.
Although empoldering is usually carried out in low-lying coastal areas, it can also be done in inland areas such as lakes and rivers. It is common in countries like theNetherlands, where much of the country is belowsea level and subject to flooding. About one-fifth of the land in the Netherlands has been reclaimed from the sea. Their largest and most successful project is theZuiderzee Works.
Polders have two distinct features. Firstly, they are enclosed by dikes to keep the water out. The dikes also serve to protect the polder fromerosion. Secondly, polders are continually maintained by systems of drainage canals and pumps which prevent them from becoming waterlogged and hence, suitable for cultivation.