A pie is cooked beforehand: this is the main idea. It can be cooked days before it is eaten. The crust keeps it in good condition if the pie is kept in a cool place. The pie can be eaten warm or cold.
Some of these pies are pies in name only. An example is the Boston cream pie, which is acake. Many fruit and berry pies are very similar, with the only difference being the fruit used in filling.
Most meat pies are served hot. Pork pies usually have a very high fat content and may be served cold. These meat pies contain beef and gravy in a shortcrust piecase, often with a flaky top. Manybakeries and specialtyshops sell gourmet pies.Adelaide (a city inAustralia) has thepie floater, where a meat pie is floated in a plate of thick greenpeasoup.
Pot pies with a flaky crust and bottom are a popularAmerican dish. They usually have a filling of meat (often beef,chicken orturkey), gravy, and mixed vegetables (potatoes,carrots and peas). Frozen pot pies are often sold in individual serving size.
Fruit pies may be served with a scoop ofice cream, a style known inNorth America asà la mode.Apple pie is a traditional choice. This combination, and possibly the name as well, is thought to have been popularized in the mid-1890s in theUnited States.[1]
A tourtière is a meat pie. It was first created inQuebec,Canada. It is usually made with groundpork,veal, or beef.
Torta caprese is a traditionalItalian chocolate andalmond orwalnut pie. It is sometimes made with a small amount ofliqueur. The name refers to the island ofCapri.
Torta de Santiago is a type of almond pie from theGalicia region inSpain. The filling is mostly groundalmonds,eggs andsugar.
Vlaai is a pie from theLimburg region in theNetherlands. It comes in many different varieties of fruit fillings.
Zelnik is a traditionalBulgarian pastry. It is made of thin crusts filled with either cheese and eggs,spinach,sorrel, crumbled meat,leeks andrice, or very often in the winter period,brinedcabbage.
Cream filled or topped pies are favourite props for humour, particularly when aimed at people who are too serious. Throwing a pie in a person's face has been a staple ofmoviecomedy since the early days of the movies. It is often associated withclowns inpopular culture.
Pranksters have taken to targetingpoliticians and celebrities with their pies, an act calledpieing.Activists sometimes engage in the pieing of political and social targets as well. "Pieing" can result in injury to people and pie throwers can faceassault or more seriouscharges.[2]