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Different kinds of 'Pasta lunga'Different kinds of 'Pasta fresca'
Pasta is afood made fromflour,starch andwater. It is usually cooked in hot water before being eaten. Pasta has been verypopular inItaly and has also been eaten in many parts ofAsia for a long time.According to history, however, pasta's earliest roots begin inChina, during theShang Dynasty (1700-1100 BC), where some form of pasta was made with eitherwheat orrice flour. Pasta also appears to be a feature in the ancient Greekdiet in the1st millennium BC.
Pasta is oftennoodles. It is usually eaten insauce,fried or insoup. Pasta is usually made from eitherwheatflour orrice flour, but it can be made with other types of flour. Pasta sometimes haseggs in it. Pasta comes in many differentshapes andsizes.
Long pasta is namednoodles. it has different names for each width. the name also changes if the edge iswavy.
Short pasta comes in many shapes, each with a different name. they are named after what they look like. one common example is "bow-ties".