Obazoa is aclade (a group of plants or animals that share anancestor). It is aUnikont. Unikonts are one of the five superkingdoms in the classification of eukaryotes.
The Obazoa is made up ofBreviatea,Apusomonadida andOpisthokonta. It does not includeAmoebozoa, because that is a different clade. Theconnections between opisthokonts, breviates and apusomonads are not well known yet. Probably the Breviatea are the most basic of the three groups.[1][2][3] RNAphylogenies (evolution clues) do not give muchevidence that Obazoa is a clade.[4] This could still mean Obazoa is from a very old ancestor, and there are not many clues left (because of its age).