Natural selection is the process whereorganisms with favorabletraits are more likely to reproduce. In doing so, they pass on these traits to the nextgeneration. Over time this process allows organisms toadapt to theirenvironment. This is because thefrequency ofgenes for favourable traits increases in the population.
Someanimals havetraits (features) which help themsurvive. If animals with some traits live longer, it means they canreproduce more. Theoffspring of the animal has the same traits as them (heredity).[1]
Members of aspecies are not all alike, often because of differences inheredity (genetics). This is true even with children of the same parents. Some of these differences might make one organism better at surviving and reproducing than others in a particularhabitat. When this organismreproduces, its offspring may get thegenes which gave it the advantage. Someadaptations are extremely long-lasting, useful in many habitats.
Natural selection explains why living organisms change over time to have the anatomy, the functions and behaviour that they have. It works like this:
All living things have such fertility that their population size could increase rapidly forever.
Actually, the size of populations does not increase to this extent. Mostly, numbers remain about the same.
Food and other resources are limited. So, there is competition for food and resources.
No two individuals are alike. Therefore, they do not have the same chance to live and reproduce.
Much of thisvariation is inherited. The parents pass the traits to the children through their genes.
The next generation comes from those that survive and reproduce. The elimination is caused by the relative fit between the individuals and the environment they live in. After many generations, the population has more helpful genetic differences, and fewer harmful ones.[4]Natural selection is really a process of elimination.[5]
Resistance to antibiotics is increased by the survival of individuals which are immune to the effects of the antibiotic. Their offspring inherit the resistance, creating a new population of resistant bacteria.
A well-known example of natural selection in action is the development ofantibioticresistance inmicroorganisms. Since the discovery ofpenicillin in 1928 byAlexander Fleming,antibiotics have been used to fightbacterial diseases. Natural populations ofbacteria contain, among their vast numbers of individual members, considerable variation in their genetic material, as the result ofmutations. When exposed to antibiotics, most bacteria die quickly, but some have mutations that make them slightly less susceptible. If the exposure to antibiotics is short, these individuals will survive the treatment. The elimination of individuals which have no resistance is an example of natural selection.
Given enough time, and repeated exposure to the antibiotic, a population of antibiotic-resistant bacteria will emerge. This leads to what is known as anevolutionary arms race, orco-evolution, in which bacteria continue to develop strains that are less susceptible to antibiotics, while medical researchers continue to develop new antibiotics that can kill them.[7] Response strategies typically include the use of different, stronger antibiotics; however, newstrains ofMRSA have recently emerged that are resistant even to these drugs.[8] A similar situation occurs withpesticide resistance in plants and insects, and withmalarial resistance toquinine.
One famous case study is the study ofpeppered moth evolution, and there are many other examples. Most of these day-flying moths were light in colour, but just a few of the moths were dark. At first, the light coloured moths survived better because they werecamouflaged against the light colour of the nearby trees. This made it hard forbirds to see them.
Whenfactories were built, thepollution made all the trees look black. Now the light coloured moths were obvious against the darkbark. The dark coloured moths had the advantage after the environment changed. The genes controlling dark colour spread through the population of moths. After thesecond world war, controls againstpollution worked to make the environment cleaner. Then the lighter moths once again had the advantage, and are now much more common.
Mimicry is another example: Some harmless insects mimic other insects which are dangerous, or which taste foul.Mimicryevolves becausethe better mimics survive better. They live to produce moreoffspring than the less good mimics. Thegenes of the better mimics become more common in the species. Over time, mimic species get closer to their models.
Illustration fromThe Descent of Man and selection in relation to sex byCharles Darwin showing the Tufted CoquetteLophornis ornatus, female on left, ornamented male on right.
Sexual selection is a special kind of natural selection. It is atheory ofCharles Darwin that certain evolutionary traits can be explained by competitionwithin a species. Darwin defined sexual selection as the effects of the "struggle between the individuals of one sex, generally the males, for the possession of the other sex".[9] It is usually males who fight each other. Traits selected by male combat are called secondary sexual characteristics (including horns, antlers, etc.) and sometimes referred to as 'weapons'. Traits selected by mate choice are called 'ornaments'.
Females often prefer to mate with males with external ornaments—exaggerated features of morphology. Genes that enable males to develop impressive ornaments or fighting ability may simply show off greaterdisease resistance or a more efficientmetabolism—features that also benefit females. This idea is known as the 'good genes' hypothesis. Sexual selection is still being researched and discussed today.[10]
Ernst Mayr said:
"Since Darwin’s days it has become clear that this kind of selection includes a far wider realm of phenomena, and instead of sexual selection it is better referred to asselection for reproductive success... genuine selection, not elimination, is involved, unlike survival selection. Considering how many new kinds of selection for reproductive success are discovered year after year, I am beginning to wonder whether it is not even more important than survival selection, at least in certain higher organisms".[11]
↑Bowler P.J. 2003.Evolution: the history of an idea. University of California Press, p173: Wallace and publication of the theory.ISBN 0-520-23693-9
↑Darwin, Charles (annotated by James T. Costa). 2009.The annotated Origin: a facsimile of the first edition of On the Origin of Species. Harvard, Cambridge, Mass.