NFPA 704, also known as aSafety Square, is a tilted square-shapedsign orpicture that tells people about thehazards of achemical compound.[1] It was designed in 1960 by theNational Fire Protection Association, as a way of quickly tellingfirefighters and other emergency workers what kind of dangers might be nearby.[2]
The sign is made offour smaller diamonds: ared one on top, ayellow one on the right, awhite one on the bottom, and ablue one on the left. Numbers orsymbols in these boxes tell how dangerous thechemical is.
The red diamond tells howflammable the chemical compound is: how easily it catchesfire. The yellow diamond tells aboutreactivity: how quickly the compound reacts with other materials. (For example, some chemicals, likeammonium nitrate,explode when they touch water; this is an example of reactivity.) The blue diamond tells how dangerous the chemical is to a person's health. Each of these three diamonds - red, yellow, and blue - are given a score between 0 and 4. A score of 0 means there is no danger. A score of 4 means there is the worst possible danger.[3]
The white diamond hascodes for "special hazards." For example, if a chemical likeammonium nitrate should not touchwater because it willexplode, a W with a line through it will be written in the white diamond.[3]