InHinduism, amurti (also spelled murthi or murthy) usually means animage in which theDivine Spirit is expressed ('murta'). Hindus call the presence ofGod into the image so that they can communicate with him and receive his blessings. Hindus don't worship the murti or statue itself but the god who is present in their minds andsouls. It can also be set up anywhere.
Murtis sometimes are abstract, but almost alwaysstone ormetal images ofGod in a human-like form likeShiva orGanesha,Rama orKrishna,Saraswati orKali. Murtis are made according to strict prescriptions and then installed by highly trainedpriests through a ceremony. The priests can then call on God in the image daily.
Murtis inHindutemples and shrines are a mystical form of communication withGod and devas. This is similar to our ability to communicate with others through thetelephone. One does not talk to the telephone; rather the telephone is a way to interact with another person. Without the telephone, one could not have a conversation across long distances; and without the sanctified image in the temple, one cannot easily talk with the Deity.
The image or murti of worship is a focus for prayers, althoughHindus can seeGod is in all things, in stone and water, fire, air and ether, in the enlightened person of a satguru and inside their ownsoul. Some temples do not have any murti in the sanctum but a symbolic diagram. Some Hindu branches reject the worship of images.
In Hinduism, one of the highest achievements is when one goes beyond the need of all form andsymbol. This is theyogi’s goal obtained throughmeditation.[1] Hinduism is also one of the religions that uses more symbols to represent God in preparation for getting beyond them.
Image worship appears to be an intelligent, mystical practice shared by all of the world’s great religions. All religions have their symbols of holiness: theChristiancross, or statues of Mother Mary and Saint Theresa, the holy Kaaba inMecca, the Sikh Adi Granth enshrined in the Golden Temple in Amritsar, theArc andTorah of the Jews, the image of a meditatingBuddha, thetotems of indigenous andPagan faiths, and the artifacts of the holy men and women of all religions. Any Christian respects theBible and considers it sacred. His book and theHindu’s murtis are similar in this way.
Critics of image worship consider this practice "idolatry". People who practice idolatry believe that God is the material object itself. Instead, Hindus worship murtis to call on the presence of the spiritualGod and then communicate with him.