Muhsin ibn Ali ibn Abu Talib was the fifth child and third son ofAli (cousin ofMuhammad), andFatimah (daughter ofMuhammad). He was the younger brother ofHasan ibn Ali,Hussain ibn Ali,Zainab bint Ali, andUmm Kulthum, and the grandson ofMuhammad andKhadijah bint Khuwaylid, as well as the grandson ofAbu Talib andFatimah Bint Asad.
He was supposed to be born in the year 632. However, an alleged incident occurred inShia sources in whichUmar killedFatimah's fetus by dropping a door on her, causing the death of Muhsin.[1][2][3] After this,Ali allegedly fought with withUmar but did not kill him, as doing so might have escalated tensions with protesters led byAbu Bakr. Subsequently, the miscarriage of Muhsin allegedly contributed to the death ofFatimah, who passed away later in 632.
However, manySunnis believe that Mushin died ofnatural causes during birth andUmar did not kill Mushin or was any way related to the death of Mushin.[4][5][6] Additionally, someSunnis reject that Muhsin existed due to thehadith referencing him being a weakhadith such as followers ofAbu Bakr ibn al-‘Arabi.[5][7]