Mining is the process of digging things out of the ground. Anymaterial that cannot be grown must be mined. Mining things from the ground is calledextraction. Mining can include extraction ofmetals andminerals, likecoal,diamond,gold,silver,platinum,copper, tin and iron. Mining can also include other things likeoil andnatural gas.
Some mining is done by scraping away the soil (dirt) from the top of the ground. This is calledsurface mining. Some mining is done by going deep underground into amine shaft. This is calledunderground mining. Some mining, such as gold mining, is done in other ways. Gold can be mined by searching in the bed of ariver or other stream ofwater to remove the flakes of gold. This is calledpanning orplacer mining.
Aworker in a mine is called a miner. Underground mining is adangerousjob. Many mines haveaccidents. Hundreds of miners die every year from accidents, mostly in poor countries. Safety rules and special safetyequipment is used to try and protect miners from accidents. Undergroundcoal mining is especially dangerous becausecoal can give off poisonous and explosive gases.
Some towns are mining towns. People live there because they can make money as miners or by doing things for miners. When mining stops the town may become aghost town.
Mining operations often make the environment worse, both during the mining activity and after the mine has closed. Hence, most countries have passed regulations to decrease the effect of mining. Work safety has long been a concern, and has been improved in mines.