Mabel "Madea" Simmons is afictionalAfrican American character. "Madea" is played byTyler Perry indrag clothing.
Madea was born Mabel Earlene Baker inNew Orleans, Louisiana on April 26, 1935. "Big Mabel" Murphy was the name of her mother. Frederick Baker, Sr. was the name of her father. Madea grew up with a strict mother who was alsonurturing to Madea'semotions. At age 9, Madea wascharged forpetty theft. When Madea was 16 years of age, her parents moved toAtlanta, Georgia. There, she attended Booker T. Washington High School. She had tried out for cheerleading and became acheerleader. By the time Madea was 17, she began going out tonight clubs and house parties. Her parents allowed Madea to party at this age. Around this time, Madea became astripper and was given the name "Delicious". At 18, Madea was charged withillegal gambling,check fraud andidentity theft. Around this time, Madea had at least two or three children. She supported herself and her children bypool dancing, stripping andprofessional wrestling. Madea graduated her high school in May 1953. That night, she had anaffair withLeroy Brown (also known as "Mr. Brown"). Madea became pregnant and had given birth to Cora Jean Simmons Brown. However, in the movieMadea's Big Happy Family, Mr. Brown had aDNA test which confirmed that he was not the father. Madea was diagnosed withtype one diabetes anddepression in her early 20s. She had became a bitter women around this time.
Madea's appearance is an elderly women who is not afraid tothreaten anybody with herpistol. Madea usually helps her family through life situations, struggles and helping her family cope with one another. She teaches themwisdom; which helps them in their everyday life. Madea is also aforceful women who teaches young adults to act mature. Madea has been locked up inprison several times. She has outlived several of her husbands and lives off of their life security checks. Madea uses bad language and tone to speak to her family when they are disrespectful. She also has a bad temper and bad way of dealing with anger. Madea is known to be half African American and quarter-Cherokee Indian. She likes going to thecasino on Sunday, rather than going to thechurch. Although Madea does not read thebible, she uses it tomanipulate situations in order tojustify what she had done.