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A Reaper at the base TheMQ-9 Reaper is amilitary drone used for manyroles . The drone has acrew of two. Theyremote control it from theground like acivilian drone but with acomputer at aground control base instead of a remote controller. From the terminal one crew member operates thesensors andweapons . The other crewmember is thecommander andpilot of the drone. It has manyvideo cameras and sensors and is able toTakeoff andland on its own. The Reaper is mostly used forreconnaissance . It can also doloitering ,close air support along withsearch and rescue . Because of its cameras and sensors the drone is used to point outtargets formilitary vehicles and otheraircraft . It is also used to guardgroups of military vehicles . When used for strike missions the drone is veryaccurate . Up to eightmissiles can be put on the wings. The drone is good atasymmetric warfare because it can wait around a area 24 hours and attack fast. The Reaper was made to be a bigger and more powerful aircraft than thePredator drones.[ 1]
The Reaper has cameras that can capture video Who makes it: General Atomics[ 1]
Unit Cost: $56.5 million (includes four aircraft with sensors, ground control station and Predator Primarysatellite link)[ 1]
Width: 66 feet (20.1 meters)[ 1]
Length: 36 feet (11 meters)[ 1]
A diagram Height: 12.5 feet (3.8 meters)[ 1]
Weight: 4,900 pounds[ 1]
Maximum takeoff weight: 10,500 pounds[ 1]
Fuel Capacity: 602 gallons[ 1]
How much weapons can it carry: 3,750 pounds[ 1]
How fast: Mach 0.36[ 1]
How far can it go and still come back: 1,150 miles[ 1]
How high can it go:50000 feet[ 1]
the users of the drone Weapons: AGM-114 Hellfire missiles or GBU-12 Paveway II or GBU-38 Joint Direct AttackMunitions or GBU-49 Enhanced Paveway II or GBU-54 Laser Joint Direct Attack Munitions[ 1]
Crew (remote): Two (pilot and sensor operator)[ 1]