Leptin (fromGreek λεπτόςleptos, "thin" or "light" or "small") is ahormone made by cells infat tissue that reduceshunger. That helps the energy balance in the body.
Leptin is opposed by the actions of the hormoneghrelin, the "hunger hormone". Both hormones act on receptors in thehypothalamus. They adjust appetite to get energyhomeostasis.[2]
Although regulation of fat stores is the primary function of leptin, it also plays a role in other physiological processes. These additional functions are still being studied.
Leptin was recently discovered in 1994 by Jeffrey M. Friedman and colleagues atRockefeller University. Its discovery is important in the study of obesity which has become a problem inwestern society. The importance of leptin was discovered through experiments done onmice in a laboratory. Scientists found that mice who had more leptin in their bodies were thinner and did not need to eat as much. Leptin levels can be increased by reducingstress and having quality or restfulsleep.
↑Zhang F.et al 1997. Crystal structure of the obese protein leptin-E100.Nature387 (6629) 206–9.[1]
↑ Brennan A.M. & Mantzoros C.S. 2006. Drug insight: the role of leptin in human physiology and pathophysiology--emerging clinical applications.Nature Endocrinology Reviews.2(6) 318–327.[2]
↑Pan H; Guo J. & Su Z. 2014. Advances in understanding the interrelations between leptin resistance and obesity.Physiology & Behavior130, 157–169.[3]