Isonoe orJupiter XXVI, is a non-spherical moon ofJupiter. It was found by a team of astronomers from theUniversity of Hawaii led byScott S. Sheppard in2000, and given the designationS/2000 J 6.[1][2]
Isonoe is about 3.8 kilometres in diameter, and orbits Jupiter at an average distance of 23,833,000 km in 751.647 days, at aninclination of 166° to theecliptic (169° to Jupiter's equator), with anorbital eccentricity of 0.166.
It was named in October 2002 afterIsonoe, one of theDanaides in Greek mythology, and a lover ofZeus (Jupiter).[3]
Isonoe belongs to theCarme group, made up of non-spherical retrograde moons orbiting Jupiter at a distance ranging between 23,000,000 and 24,000,000 km and at an inclination of about 165°.