Homo habilis (Latin: "handy man") is one of the earlyancestors of modern man who used primitivestone tools.[1] Their remains have been found in the Olduvai Gorge inTanzania.[1] They are believed to be about 2 million years old. The flat face and largemolars of theHomo habilis resemble theAustralopithecus lineage. Thebrain size of theHomo habilis is about 700 cc (larger than the Australopithecus). An "apelike" (long arms and a small body) body structure was characteristic of theHomo habilis. They are believed to have been about 1.3 metres tall, and weigh about 37 kilograms.[2] There is still a lot of argument between scientists about the species.[1] They can not all agree on the characteristics, or whether it is even a separate species at all.