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Hanuman is one of the most populargods ofHindus. He is also known by other names likeHanumata. His mother’s name was Anjana. Based on her mother’s name, Hanuman is sometimes calledAnjaneya, that is, one born of Anjana. His father’s name was Kesari. He is blessed by Vayu as the god of winds. Hanuman’s image shows him as a strong man with the face of amonkey. He also has a tail it represents the morality, higher pride of being self.Hanuman was awarded boon of Immortality by Mother Sita ( Wife of Lord Rama) and is still alive
Hanuman is a very powerful and strong god. He finds an important place in theRamayana. He is a devotee ofRama, a form (avatar) of Lord Vishnu, a god of Hindus. Hanuman is a figure of strength, perseverance and devotion. When he was young he thought the sun a mango. One of his most famous stories is when he helpedRama rescueSita fromRavana which is the famous story ofDiwali.