AG-string orthong is a narrow piece of cloth orleather, orplastic that passes between thebuttocks. It is attached to a band around the hips. It can be worn as aswimwear orunderwear by both men and women. The difference between a G-string and a thong is that a G-string has less material between the legs. This makes it look like a string. Variants of the thong or G-string include the "V-string" and the "T-string".
The G-string or thong is probably the earliest form ofclothing known to mankind. It originated in the warmer climates ofsub-Saharan Africa where clothing was first worn almost 75,000 years ago. Many tribal peoples, like some of the Khoisan people ofsouthern Africa, wore thongs for many centuries. These early pieces of clothes were made to fit the male genitalia.
The G-string was first developed for men by primitive peoples. However, in modern days, Western thongs are usually worn by females. They first became popular inSouth America in the 1970s. In Brazil, it was originally a style of swimsuit that had a rear area that became so narrow, that it would disappear between the buttocks.
The origin of the term "G-string" is not fully known. The term was first written about by Americans in the late 1800s. They described the loincloth of Philippine natives. Others say the term came from the G-string on an instrument. The origin of the word "thong" is from theOld Englishthwong, which is a flexible leather cord.