Incendiary devices orincendiary bombs arebombs. These bombs have been designed to start afire. Sometimes they are also calledfirebombs. They were used very frequently inWorld War II. Materials such asNapalm,White phosphorus,thermite,chlorine trifluoride are often employed in such bombs. A very crude such bomb (which usesfuel) is theMolotov cocktail.
TheUnited States still uses such bombs, calledMark 77 bomb. They were used during theinvasion ofIraq in2003. Most other countries no longer use them, since they are banned by Section III of theUnited NationsConvention on CertainConventional Weapons. Thistreaty was ratified in1980.
Probably the most famous incendiary attack is the bombing ofDresden, Germany during WWII by the Allies.Flamethrowers are also incendiary devices.