Fiction is any story created by humans, originating from the depths of human imagination. It is not based on real-life events or actual people, but rather represents a departure from reality, allowing for the exploration of ideas, emotions, and scenarios that may not exist in the real world.[1][2][3]
The opposite of fiction isnon-fiction, writing that deals with facts and true events. Often in alibrary, part of the library is for fiction books and another part of the library is for non-fiction.
The wordfiction comes from theLatin wordfictum, which means "created". This is a good way to remember what fiction is: if it has been created or made up by somebody, it is fiction. Fiction can be written or told, or acted on stage, in a movie, on television or radio. Usually the purpose of fiction is toentertain.
However, the dividing line is not always so clear. Fiction with real people or events in it is calledhistorical fiction, because it is based on things that happened inhistory. This type of fiction is written so that we can imagine and understand what it was like when those people were alive. Reality can be presented through creative writing, and imagination can open the reader's mind to significant thoughts about the real world.
In fiction, there are always characters. There is usually aprotagonist, or hero. Sometimes this is a group of people, not one person. You usually support the hero (or heroes.) The protagonist has to face some kind of enemy, usually another character called theantagonist, or villain. The fight between the protagonist and their enemy is called theconflict.[4]
Plot is a literary term. It is the events that make up astory, particularly as they relate to one another. The events may form a pattern. That pattern may be a sequence, through cause and effect, or how the reader views the story, or simply by coincidence. (Forexample, at the start. apuppyhunged by a tree branch. At the middle, someone sees that puppy is about to fall. At the end, someone saves the puppy.)[4]
In hisPoetics,Aristotle considered plot (mythos) the most important element of drama—more important than character, for example. A plot must have, Aristotle says, a beginning, a middle, and an end, and the events of the plot must causally relate to one another as being either necessary or probable.
Of the utmost importance to Aristotle is the plot's ability to arouse emotion in thepsyche of the audience. Intragedy, the emotions arefear andpity, emotions which he considers in hisRhetoric.
Gustav Freytag considered plot anarrative structure that divided a story into five parts, like the five acts of a play.[5] These parts are: exposition (of the situation); rising action (through conflict); climax (or turning point); falling action; andresolution.
The climax is the most dangerous and exciting part of the plot. For example, if you were on arollercoaster, the highest part would be the climax.The climax usually near to the end of the story, because the whole story has been building up to it (rising action). In an action drama it is the point when the hero or heroine looks like s/he is about to lose, and is in the greatest danger.
Conflict is very important in fiction.[4] Every work of fiction needs a conflict, or problem. There are five basic types of conflict. In modern times, a new one, "Person vs.Technology", has been used.
Person vs. Self is when a character is facing his own fears,confusion orphilosophy. Sometimes the character tries to find out who he or she is, and comes to realize it or change it. Sometimes the character struggles to find out what is right or wrong. Although the enemy is inside the character, they can be influenced by outside forces. The struggle of thehuman being to come to a decision is the base of this type of conflict.
Person vs. Person is when the hero is fighting another person. There is usually more than one time that the hero meets the enemy. For example, if a child is being bullied, that is person vs. person conflict. An example is the conflict between Judah and Messala inBen-Hur.
Person vs.Society is when the hero's main source of conflict istraditions or ideas. The protagonist is basically fighting what is wrong with the world he lives in. Society itself is often treated as a single character, just as another person is in person vs. person conflict. An example in literature would beWuthering Heights byEmily Brontë.
Person vs. Nature is when a character is fighting against forces of nature. Many films focus on this theme. It is also found in stories about trying tosurvive in places far away from humans, likeJack London's short storyTo Build a Fire.
Person vs. Supernatural is when a character is battlingsupernatural forces. Sometimes, this force is inside themselves, it is internal. Such stories are sometimes used to represent orcriticizeFreud's theory ofid vs. superego.Bram Stoker'sDracula is a good example of this, as well asFrankenstein byMary Shelley andChristabel by Samuel Coleridge. It is also very common incomic books.
Person vs. Machine/Technology places a character against robot forces withartificial intelligence.I, Robot and theTerminator series are good examples of this conflict.
- ↑fiction. Merriam-Webster. 2015.
- ↑William Harmon and C. Hugh HolmanA Handbook to Literature. 7th ed, New York: Prentice Hall, 1990, p. 212.
- ↑"Literature in the form of prose, especially novels, that describes imaginary events and people".Definition of 'fiction'Archived 2022-08-27 at theWayback Machine.Oxford English Dictionaries (online). Oxford University Press. 2015.
- ↑ (1960).The basic formulas of fiction. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press.ASIN B0007ITQBY.
- ↑Freytag, Gustav 1863.Die Technik des Dramas.