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Euphoria (from Ancient Greekεὐφορία, from εὖ (eu), "well", and φέρω (pherō), "to bear") is a mental andemotional condition which makes a person feel extremely happy, excited, and carefree.[1] These feelings are much stronger and more intense than what a human would normally feel. However, some natural human behaviors can cause brief states of euphoria. For example, people may feel euphoric for a short time afterorgasm, when inlove, or after a very important athletic achievement.[2] Sometimes, people can also feel euphoria during certainreligious orspiritualrituals, or whilemeditating.[3] More often, euphoria is caused by certainpsychoactive drugs,mental illnesses, or medical problems. Euphoria is the opposite of dysphoria.
Alcohol: People may feel euphoria soon after they begin drinking alcohol (especially in the first 10–15 minutes after they begin to drink).[4]
Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata): Asedative that calms the nervous system and acts as a sleep aid. One compound in this herb, called harmine, may cause euphoria.[5]
Cannabis: Cannabis containstetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which can cause euphoria as well as relaxation and sedation.Marijuana andhashish are both made from cannabis plants.
Stimulants: Stimulant drugs can cause euphoria as well as high energy, hyperactivity, and lack of appetite. There are different types of stimulants.Amphetamines (includingmethamphetamine) are the best known drugs in this category.[6]
MDMA: Commonly calledEcstasy, MDMA causes strong feelings of euphoria as well as rushes of energy. MDMA and MDEA ("Eve") are popular drugs among young adults.[7][8]
Opium: A drug made from the unripe seed-pods of theopium poppy. It can cause euphoria and drowsiness, and can decrease pain.Heroin,morphine, andcodeine are made from opium.[9]
Euphoria can be asymptom of some mental illnesses. For example, euphoria is a common symptom ofmania, an extreme, high-energy mood state which can happen withbipolar disorder and other mental health conditions.
Euphoria can also be a symptom of some medical problems. It is a common symptom ofhypoxia. It is a dangerous symptom, because it can make a hypoxic person feel so good and carefree that they do not realise that they are not getting enough oxygen.
Sometimes, people feel euphoria when exercising. A well-known example is "runner's high," a state of euphoria and high energy that runners sometimes experience, especially during intense workouts. According to recent studies, intense exercise can cause the brain to releaseendorphins. These endorphins attach to the same brain receptors as opioid drugs, so they can cause the same euphoric effects as those drugs do.[10] Unfortunately, this means that a person could get chemicallyaddicted to consistent exercise, just as he or she might get addicted to opiates.
↑Alan W. Cuthbert "stimulants" The Oxford Companion to the Body. Ed. Colin Blakemore and Sheila Jennett. Oxford University Press, 2001. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. 28 July 2011
↑7.07.1Rhodri Hayward "euphoria"The Oxford Companion to the Body. Ed. Colin Blakemore and Sheila Jennett. Oxford University Press, 2001. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. 28 July 2011
↑"ecstasy" World Encyclopedia. Philip's, 2008. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. 28 July 2011
↑"opium" World Encyclopedia. Philip's, 2008. Oxford Reference Online. Oxford University Press. 28 July 2011